Luke Campagnola f258c3d87c minor bugfixes / features:
- optional context menu for ImageItem
 - inverted y-axis in Canvas (+y now points upward)
 - extra __init__ arguments for Dock
 - Transform can be constructed from Matrix4x4
 - many others
2012-05-29 23:18:34 -04:00

70 lines
2.7 KiB

from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui
from pyqtgraph.ptime import time
import pyqtgraph as pg
from functools import reduce
__all__ = ['ValueLabel']
class ValueLabel(QtGui.QLabel):
QLabel specifically for displaying numerical values.
Extends QLabel adding some extra functionality:
- displaying units with si prefix
- built-in exponential averaging
def __init__(self, parent=None, suffix='', siPrefix=False, averageTime=0, formatStr=None):
*suffix* (str or None) The suffix to place after the value
*siPrefix* (bool) Whether to add an SI prefix to the units and display a scaled value
*averageTime* (float) The length of time in seconds to average values. If this value
is 0, then no averaging is performed. As this value increases
the display value will appear to change more slowly and smoothly.
*formatStr* (str) Optionally, provide a format string to use when displaying text. The text will
be generated by calling formatStr.format(value=, avgValue=, suffix=)
(see Python documentation on str.format)
This option is not compatible with siPrefix
QtGui.QLabel.__init__(self, parent)
self.values = []
self.averageTime = averageTime ## no averaging by default
self.suffix = suffix
self.siPrefix = siPrefix
if formatStr is None:
formatStr = '{avgValue:0.2g} {suffix}'
self.formatStr = formatStr
def setValue(self, value):
now = time()
self.values.append((now, value))
cutoff = now - self.averageTime
while len(self.values) > 0 and self.values[0][0] < cutoff:
def setFormatStr(self, text):
self.formatStr = text
def setAverageTime(self, t):
self.averageTime = t
def averageValue(self):
return reduce(lambda a,b: a+b, [v[1] for v in self.values]) / float(len(self.values))
def paintEvent(self, ev):
return QtGui.QLabel.paintEvent(self, ev)
def generateText(self):
if len(self.values) == 0:
return ''
avg = self.averageValue()
val = self.values[-1][1]
if self.siPrefix:
return pg.siFormat(avg, suffix=self.suffix)
return self.formatStr.format(value=val, avgValue=avg, suffix=self.suffix)