David Nadlinger 274d0793b3 Properly remove select box when export dialog is closed
Previously, only clicking the "Close" button would remove it,
but it would stay behind when directly closing the window.
2015-05-16 20:41:54 +02:00

414 lines
18 KiB

pyqtgraph-0.9.11 [unreleased]
- Fixed git version string generation on python3
- Fixed setting default values for out-of-bound points in pg.interpolateArray
- Fixed plot downsampling bug on python 3
- DockArea:
- Fixed adding Docks to DockArea after all Docks have been removed
- Fixed DockArea save/restoreState when area is empty
- Properly remove select box when export dialog is closed using window decorations
New Features:
- Preliminary PyQt5 support
- DockArea:
- Dock titles can be changed after creation
- Added Dock.sigClosed
Fixed installation issues with more recent pip versions.
API / behavior changes:
- Dynamic import system abandoned; pg now uses static imports throughout.
- Flowcharts and exporters have new pluggin systems
- Version strings:
- in git repo now contains latest release version string
(previously, only packaged releases had version strings).
- installing from git checkout that does not correspond to a release
commit will result in a more descriptive version string.
- Speed improvements in functions.makeARGB
- ImageItem is faster by avoiding makeQImage(transpose=True)
- ComboBox will raise error when adding multiple items of the same name
- ArrowItem.setStyle now updates style options rather than replacing them
- Renamed GraphicsView signals to avoid collision with ViewBox signals that
are wrapped in PlotWidget: sigRangeChanged => sigDeviceRangeChanged and
sigTransformChanged => sigDeviceTransformChanged.
- GLViewWidget.itemsAt() now measures y from top of widget to match mouse
event position.
- Made setPen() methods consistent throughout the package
- Fix in GLScatterPlotItem requires that points will appear slightly more opaque
(so you may need to adjust to lower alpha to achieve the same results)
New Features:
- Added ViewBox.setLimits() method
- Adde ImageItem downsampling
- New HDF5 example for working with very large datasets
- Removed all dependency on scipy
- Added Qt.loadUiType function for PySide
- Simplified Profilers; can be activated with environmental variables
- Added Dock.raiseDock() method
- ComboBox updates:
- Essentially a graphical interface to dict; all items have text and value
- Assigns previously-selected text after list is cleared and repopulated
- Get, set current value
- Flowchart updates
- Added Flowchart.sigChartChanged
- Custom nodes may now be registered in sub-menu trees
- ImageItem.getHistogram is more clever about constructing histograms
- Added FillBetweenItem.setCurves()
- MultiPlotWidget now has setMinimumPlotHeight method and displays scroll bar
when plots do not fit inside the widget.
- Added BarGraphItem.shape() to allow better mouse interaction
- Added MeshData.cylinder
- Added ViewBox.setBackgroundColor() and GLViewWidget.setBackgroundColor()
- Utilities / debugging tools
- Mutex used for tracing deadlocks
- Color output on terminal
- Multiprocess debugging colors messages by process
- Stdout filter that colors text by thread
- PeriodicTrace used to report deadlocks
- Added AxisItem.setStyle()
- Added configurable formatting for TableWidget
- Added 'stepMode' argument to PlotDataItem()
- Added ViewBox.invertX()
- Docks now have optional close button
- Added InfiniteLine.setHoverPen
- Added GLVolumeItem.setData
- Added PolyLineROI.setPoints, clearPoints, saveState, setState
- Added ErrorBarItem.setData
- PlotCurveItem now has correct clicking behavior--clicks within a few px
of the line will trigger a signal.
- Fixes related to CSV exporter:
- CSV headers include data names, if available
- Exporter correctly handles items with no data
- pg.plot() avoids creating empty data item
- removed call to reduce() from exporter; not available in python 3
- Gave .name() methods to PlotDataItem, PlotCurveItem, and ScatterPlotItem
- fixed ImageItem handling of rgb images
- fixed makeARGB re-ordering of color channels
- fixed unicode usage in AxisItem tick strings
- fixed PlotCurveItem generating exceptions when data has length=0
- fixed ImageView.setImage only working once
- PolyLineROI.setPen() now changes the pen of its segments as well
- Prevent divide-by-zero in AxisItem
- Major speedup when using ScatterPlotItem in pxMode
- PlotCurveItem ignores clip-to-view when auto range is enabled
- FillBetweenItem now forces PlotCurveItem to generate path
- Fixed import errors and py3 issues in MultiPlotWidget
- Isosurface works for arrays with shapes > 255
- Fixed ImageItem exception building histogram when image has only one value
- Fixed MeshData exception caused when vertexes have no matching faces
- Fixed GLViewWidget exception handler
- Fixed unicode support in Dock
- Fixed PySide crash caused by emitting signal from GraphicsObject.itemChange
- Fixed possible infinite loop from FiniteCache
- Allow images with NaN in ImageView
- MeshData can generate edges from face-indexed vertexes
- Fixed multiprocess deadlocks on windows
- Fixed GLGridItem.setSize
- Fixed parametertree.Parameter.sigValueChanging
- Fixed AxisItem.__init__(showValues=False)
- Fixed TableWidget append / sort issues
- Fixed AxisItem not resizing text area when setTicks() is used
- Removed a few cyclic references
- Fixed Parameter 'readonly' option for bool, color, and text parameter types
- Fixed alpha on GLScatterPlotItem spots (formerly maxed out at alpha=200)
- Fixed a few bugs causing exit crashes
pyqtgraph-0.9.8 2013-11-24
API / behavior changes:
- ViewBox will auto-range when ImageItem changes shape
- AxisItem:
- Smarter about deciding which ticks get text
- AxisItem.setScale(float) has the usual behavior, but .setScale(None)
is deprecated. Instead use:
AxisItem.enableAutoSIPrefix(bool) to enable/disable SI prefix scaling
- Removed inf/nan checking from PlotDataItem and PlotCurveItem; improved
New Features:
- Support for dynamic downsampling and view clipping in PlotDataItem and
- Added 'connect' option to PlotDataItem and PlotCurveItem to affect which
line segments are drawn
- Support for FFT with non-uniform time sampling
- Added BarGraphItem
- OpenGL:
- Added export methods to GLViewWidget
- Wireframe meshes
- GLLinePLotItem gets antialiasing, accepts array of colors
- GLMeshItem accepts ShaderProgram or name of predefined program
- Added GLBarGraphItem
- LegendItem:
- User-draggable
- Allow custom ItemSamples
- Symbol support
- Support for removing items
- ScatterPlotWidget, ColorMapWidget, and DataFilterWidget are stable
- TableWidget:
- Made numerically sortable
- Added setEditable method
- AxisItem ability to truncate axis lines at the last tick
- arrayToQPath() added 'finite' connection mode which omits non-finite
values from connections
- pg.plot() and pg.PlotWidget() now accept background argument
- Allow QtProcess without local QApplication
- Support for dashing in mkPen()
- Added Dock.close()
- Added style options to flowchart connection lines
- Added parentChanged and viewChanged hooks to GraphicsItem
- Bidirectional pseudoScatter for beeswarm plots
- Added exit() function for working around PyQt exit crashes
- Added PolylineROI.getArrayRegion()
- Many Python 3 compatibility fixes
- AxisItem:
- Correctly handles scaling with values that are not power of 10
- Did not update grid line length when plot stretches
- Fixed unicode handling in AxisItem label
- ViewBox:
- Overhauled to fix issues with aspect locking
- ViewBox context menu elements are no longer deleted when using
flowchart with pyside
- Fixed view linking with inverted y axis
- Prevent auto-range disabling when dragging with one mouse axis diabled
- Ignore inf and nan when auto-ranging
- ParameterTree:
- fixed TextParameter editor disappearing after focus lost
- ListParameter: allow unhashable types as parameter values.
- Exporting:
- ImageExporter correctly handles QBrush with style=NoBrush
- SVGExporter text, gradients working correctly
- SVGExporter correctly handles coordinate corrections for groups with
mixed elements
- ImageView:
- Fixed auto-levelling when normalization options change
- Added autoHistogramRange argument to setImage
- ScatterPlotItem:
- Fixed crashes caused by ScatterPlotItem
- Fixed antialiasing
- arrayToQPath performance improved for python 3
- Fixed makeQImage on many platforms (notably, on newer PyQt APIs)
- Removed unnecessary scipy imports for faster import
- GraphItem reports pixel margins to improve auto-range
- Add backport ordereddict to repository; old OrderedDict class is removed
- Corrected behavior of GraphicsView.setBackground
- Fixed PySide bug listing image formats
- Fixed QString -> str conversions in flowchart
- Unicode file name support when exporting
- Fixed MatplotlibWidget + PySide
- Fixed 3D view updating after every scene change
- Fixed handling of non-native dtypes when optimizing with weave
- RemoteGraphicsView fixed for PyQt 4.10, Python 3
- Fixed GLLinePlotItem line width option
- HistogramLUTWidget obeys default background color
- ScaleBar complete rewrite
- GraphItem obeys antialiasing flag
- Workaround for PySide/QByteArray memory leak
- Fixed example --test on windows, python3
- Luke finished dissertation
pyqtgraph-0.9.7 2013-02-25
- ArrowItem auto range now works correctly
- Dock drag/drop fixed on PySide
- Made padding behavior consistent across ViewBox methods
- Fixed MeshData / python2.6 incompatibility
- Fixed ScatterPlotItem.setSize and .setPointData
- Workaround for PySide bug; GradientEditor fixed
- Prefer initially selecting PlotItem rather then ViewBox when exporting
- Fixed python3 import error with flowcharts
Cleaned up examples, made code editable from example loader
Minor documentation updates
- Added GraphItem class for displaying networks/trees
- Added ColorMap class for mapping linear gradients and generating lookup
(Provides gradient editor functionality without the GUI)
- Added ColorMapWidget for complex user-defined color mapping
- Added ScatterPlotWidget for exploring relationships in multi-column
- Added ErrorBarItem
- SVG and image exporters can now copy to clipboard
- PlotItem gets new methods: addLine, setLabels, and listDataItems
- AxisItem gets setTickFont method
- Added functions.arrayToQPath, shared between GraphItem and PlotCurveItem
- Added gradient editors to parametertree
- Expanded documentation, added beginning of Qt crash course
- Fixed auto-ranging bugs: ViewBox now properly handles pixel-padding
around data items
- ViewBox ignores bounds of zoom-rect when auto ranging
- Fixed AxisItem artifacts
- Fixed GraphicsItem.pixelVector caching bugs and simplified workaround for
fp-precision errors
- LinearRegionItem.hoverEvent obeys 'movable' flag
- Fixed PlotDataItem nan masking bugs
- Workaround for segmentation fault in QPainter.drawPixmapFragments
- multiprocess and RemoteGraphicsView work correctly in Windows.
- Expanded python 3 support
- Silenced weave errors by default
- Fixed " 'win' in sys.platform " occurrences matching 'darwin' (duh)
- Workaround for change in QImage API (PyQt 4.9.6)
- Fixed axis ordering bug in GLScatterPlotItem
pyqtgraph-0.9.6 2013-02-14
- Added GraphItem class for displaying networks/trees
- Added ColorMap class for mapping linear gradients and generating lookup
(Provides gradient editor functionality without the GUI)
- Added ColorMapWidget for complex user-defined color mapping
- Added ScatterPlotWidget for exploring relationships in multi-column
- Added ErrorBarItem
- SVG and image exporters can now copy to clipboard
- PlotItem gets new methods: addLine, setLabels, and listDataItems
- AxisItem gets setTickFont method
- Added functions.arrayToQPath, shared between GraphItem and PlotCurveItem
- Added gradient editors to parametertree
- Expanded documentation, added beginning of Qt crash course
- Fixed auto-ranging bugs: ViewBox now properly handles pixel-padding
around data items
- ViewBox ignores bounds of zoom-rect when auto ranging
- Fixed AxisItem artifacts
- Fixed GraphicsItem.pixelVector caching bugs and simplified workaround for
fp-precision errors
- LinearRegionItem.hoverEvent obeys 'movable' flag
- Fixed PlotDataItem nan masking bugs
- Workaround for segmentation fault in QPainter.drawPixmapFragments
- multiprocess and RemoteGraphicsView work correctly in Windows.
- Expanded python 3 support
- Silenced weave errors by default
- Fixed " 'win' in sys.platform " occurrences matching 'darwin' (duh)
- Workaround for change in QImage API (PyQt 4.9.6)
- Fixed axis ordering bug in GLScatterPlotItem
Plotting performance improvements:
- AxisItem shows fewer tick levels in some cases.
- Lots of boundingRect and dataBounds caching
(improves ViewBox auto-range performance, especially with multiple plots)
- GraphicsScene avoids testing for hover intersections with non-hoverable
(much less slowdown when moving mouse over plots)
Improved performance for remote plotting:
- reduced cost of transferring arrays between processes (pickle is too
- avoid unnecessary synchronous calls
Added RemoteSpeedTest example
pyqtgraph-0.9.5 2013-01-11
Plotting performance improvements:
- AxisItem shows fewer tick levels in some cases.
- Lots of boundingRect and dataBounds caching
(improves ViewBox auto-range performance, especially with multiple plots)
- GraphicsScene avoids testing for hover intersections with non-hoverable
(much less slowdown when moving mouse over plots)
Improved performance for remote plotting:
- reduced cost of transferring arrays between processes (pickle is too
- avoid unnecessary synchronous calls
Added RemoteSpeedTest example
- Added documentation on export system
- Added flowchart documentation and custom node example
- prevent PlotCurveItem drawing shadow when unnecessary
- deprecated flowchart.Node.__getattr__ -- causes too many problems.
pyqtgraph-0.9.4 2013-01-07
- Added documentation on export system
- Added flowchart documentation and custom node example
- prevent PlotCurveItem drawing shadow when unnecessary
- deprecated flowchart.Node.__getattr__ -- causes too many problems.
Bugfix: prevent adding invalid entry to sys.path when running examples
pyqtgraph-0.9.3 2012-12-29
Bugfix: prevent adding invalid entry to sys.path when running examples
- SVG export text elements use generic font-family as backup, corrected item
transformation issues
- Fixed RuntimeError caused when clearing item hierarchies from ViewBox
- Fixed example execution bug
Packaging maintenance:
- Added missing files to, fixed package detection
- Added debian control files for building source packages
- Fixed version numbering in doc,
pyqtgraph-0.9.2 2012-12-29
- SVG export text elements use generic font-family as backup, corrected item
transformation issues
- Fixed RuntimeError caused when clearing item hierarchies from ViewBox
- Fixed example execution bug
Packaging maintenance:
- Added missing files to, fixed package detection
- Added debian control files for building source packages
- Fixed version numbering in doc,
pyqtgraph-0.9.1 2012-12-27
Removed incorrect version numbers
Correction to - use install_requires to inform pip of dependencies.
Fixed doc version (again)
Added debian control files
bugfixes for new package structure
pyqtgraph-0.9.0 2012-12-27
* Initial release.