
2394 lines
95 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" - Interactive graphics items for GraphicsView (ROI widgets)
Copyright 2010 Luke Campagnola
Distributed under MIT/X11 license. See license.txt for more information.
Implements a series of graphics items which display movable/scalable/rotatable shapes
for use as region-of-interest markers. ROI class automatically handles extraction
of array data from ImageItems.
The ROI class is meant to serve as the base for more specific types; see several examples
of how to build an ROI at the bottom of the file.
from ..Qt import QtCore, QtGui
import numpy as np
#from numpy.linalg import norm
from ..Point import *
from ..SRTTransform import SRTTransform
from math import cos, sin
from .. import functions as fn
from .GraphicsObject import GraphicsObject
from .UIGraphicsItem import UIGraphicsItem
from .. import getConfigOption
import warnings
translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate
__all__ = [
'TestROI', 'RectROI', 'EllipseROI', 'CircleROI', 'PolygonROI',
'LineROI', 'MultiLineROI', 'MultiRectROI', 'LineSegmentROI', 'PolyLineROI',
def rectStr(r):
return "[%f, %f] + [%f, %f]" % (r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height())
class ROI(GraphicsObject):
Generic region-of-interest widget.
Can be used for implementing many types of selection box with
rotate/translate/scale handles.
ROIs can be customized to have a variety of shapes (by subclassing or using
any of the built-in subclasses) and any combination of draggable handles
that allow the user to manipulate the ROI.
Default mouse interaction:
* Left drag moves the ROI
* Left drag + Ctrl moves the ROI with position snapping
* Left drag + Alt rotates the ROI
* Left drag + Alt + Ctrl rotates the ROI with angle snapping
* Left drag + Shift scales the ROI
* Left drag + Shift + Ctrl scales the ROI with size snapping
In addition to the above interaction modes, it is possible to attach any
number of handles to the ROI that can be dragged to change the ROI in
various ways (see the ROI.add____Handle methods).
================ ===========================================================
pos (length-2 sequence) Indicates the position of the ROI's
origin. For most ROIs, this is the lower-left corner of
its bounding rectangle.
size (length-2 sequence) Indicates the width and height of the
angle (float) The rotation of the ROI in degrees. Default is 0.
invertible (bool) If True, the user may resize the ROI to have
negative width or height (assuming the ROI has scale
handles). Default is False.
maxBounds (QRect, QRectF, or None) Specifies boundaries that the ROI
cannot be dragged outside of by the user. Default is None.
snapSize (float) The spacing of snap positions used when *scaleSnap*
or *translateSnap* are enabled. Default is 1.0.
scaleSnap (bool) If True, the width and height of the ROI are forced
to be integer multiples of *snapSize* when being resized
by the user. Default is False.
translateSnap (bool) If True, the x and y positions of the ROI are forced
to be integer multiples of *snapSize* when being resized
by the user. Default is False.
rotateSnap (bool) If True, the ROI angle is forced to a multiple of
the ROI's snap angle (default is 15 degrees) when rotated
by the user. Default is False.
parent (QGraphicsItem) The graphics item parent of this ROI. It
is generally not necessary to specify the parent.
pen (QPen or argument to pg.mkPen) The pen to use when drawing
the shape of the ROI.
hoverPen (QPen or argument to mkPen) The pen to use while the
mouse is hovering over the ROI shape.
handlePen (QPen or argument to mkPen) The pen to use when drawing
the ROI handles.
handleHoverPen (QPen or argument to mkPen) The pen to use while the mouse
is hovering over an ROI handle.
movable (bool) If True, the ROI can be moved by dragging anywhere
inside the ROI. Default is True.
rotatable (bool) If True, the ROI can be rotated by mouse drag + ALT
resizable (bool) If True, the ROI can be resized by mouse drag +
removable (bool) If True, the ROI will be given a context menu with
an option to remove the ROI. The ROI emits
sigRemoveRequested when this menu action is selected.
Default is False.
================ ===========================================================
======================= ====================================================
sigRegionChangeFinished Emitted when the user stops dragging the ROI (or
one of its handles) or if the ROI is changed
sigRegionChangeStarted Emitted when the user starts dragging the ROI (or
one of its handles).
sigRegionChanged Emitted any time the position of the ROI changes,
including while it is being dragged by the user.
sigHoverEvent Emitted when the mouse hovers over the ROI.
sigClicked Emitted when the user clicks on the ROI.
Note that clicking is disabled by default to prevent
stealing clicks from objects behind the ROI. To
enable clicking, call
See QtGui.QGraphicsItem documentation for more
sigRemoveRequested Emitted when the user selects 'remove' from the
ROI's context menu (if available).
======================= ====================================================
sigRegionChangeFinished = QtCore.Signal(object)
sigRegionChangeStarted = QtCore.Signal(object)
sigRegionChanged = QtCore.Signal(object)
sigHoverEvent = QtCore.Signal(object)
sigClicked = QtCore.Signal(object, object)
sigRemoveRequested = QtCore.Signal(object)
def __init__(self, pos, size=Point(1, 1), angle=0.0, invertible=False,
maxBounds=None, snapSize=1.0, scaleSnap=False,
translateSnap=False, rotateSnap=False, parent=None, pen=None,
hoverPen=None, handlePen=None, handleHoverPen=None,
movable=True, rotatable=True, resizable=True, removable=False):
GraphicsObject.__init__(self, parent)
pos = Point(pos)
size = Point(size)
self.aspectLocked = False
self.translatable = movable
self.rotatable = rotatable
self.resizable = resizable
self.removable = removable = None
self.freeHandleMoved = False ## keep track of whether free handles have moved since last change signal was emitted.
self.mouseHovering = False
if pen is None:
pen = (255, 255, 255)
if hoverPen is None:
hoverPen = (255, 255, 0)
self.hoverPen = fn.mkPen(hoverPen)
if handlePen is None:
handlePen = (150, 255, 255)
self.handlePen = fn.mkPen(handlePen)
if handleHoverPen is None:
handleHoverPen = (255, 255, 0)
self.handleHoverPen = handleHoverPen
self.handles = []
self.state = {'pos': Point(0,0), 'size': Point(1,1), 'angle': 0} ## angle is in degrees for ease of Qt integration
self.lastState = None
self.isMoving = False
self.handleSize = 5
self.invertible = invertible
self.maxBounds = maxBounds
self.snapSize = snapSize
self.translateSnap = translateSnap
self.rotateSnap = rotateSnap
self.rotateSnapAngle = 15.0
self.scaleSnap = scaleSnap
self.scaleSnapSize = snapSize
# Implement mouse handling in a separate class to allow easier customization
self.mouseDragHandler = MouseDragHandler(self)
def getState(self):
return self.stateCopy()
def stateCopy(self):
sc = {}
sc['pos'] = Point(self.state['pos'])
sc['size'] = Point(self.state['size'])
sc['angle'] = self.state['angle']
return sc
def saveState(self):
"""Return the state of the widget in a format suitable for storing to
disk. (Points are converted to tuple)
Combined with setState(), this allows ROIs to be easily saved and
state = {}
state['pos'] = tuple(self.state['pos'])
state['size'] = tuple(self.state['size'])
state['angle'] = self.state['angle']
return state
def setState(self, state, update=True):
Set the state of the ROI from a structure generated by saveState() or
self.setPos(state['pos'], update=False)
self.setSize(state['size'], update=False)
self.setAngle(state['angle'], update=update)
def setZValue(self, z):
QtGui.QGraphicsItem.setZValue(self, z)
for h in self.handles:
def parentBounds(self):
Return the bounding rectangle of this ROI in the coordinate system
of its parent.
return self.mapToParent(self.boundingRect()).boundingRect()
def setPen(self, *args, **kwargs):
Set the pen to use when drawing the ROI shape.
For arguments, see :func:`mkPen <pyqtgraph.mkPen>`.
self.pen = fn.mkPen(*args, **kwargs)
self.currentPen = self.pen
def size(self):
"""Return the size (w,h) of the ROI."""
return self.getState()['size']
def pos(self):
"""Return the position (x,y) of the ROI's origin.
For most ROIs, this will be the lower-left corner."""
return self.getState()['pos']
def angle(self):
"""Return the angle of the ROI in degrees."""
return self.getState()['angle']
def setPos(self, pos, y=None, update=True, finish=True):
"""Set the position of the ROI (in the parent's coordinate system).
Accepts either separate (x, y) arguments or a single :class:`Point` or
``QPointF`` argument.
By default, this method causes both ``sigRegionChanged`` and
``sigRegionChangeFinished`` to be emitted. If *finish* is False, then
``sigRegionChangeFinished`` will not be emitted. You can then use
stateChangeFinished() to cause the signal to be emitted after a series
of state changes.
If *update* is False, the state change will be remembered but not processed and no signals
will be emitted. You can then use stateChanged() to complete the state change. This allows
multiple change functions to be called sequentially while minimizing processing overhead
and repeated signals. Setting ``update=False`` also forces ``finish=False``.
if update not in (True, False):
raise TypeError("update argument must be bool")
if y is None:
pos = Point(pos)
# avoid ambiguity where update is provided as a positional argument
if isinstance(y, bool):
raise TypeError("Positional arguments to setPos() must be numerical.")
pos = Point(pos, y)
self.state['pos'] = pos
QtGui.QGraphicsItem.setPos(self, pos)
if update:
def setSize(self, size, center=None, centerLocal=None, snap=False, update=True, finish=True):
Set the ROI's size.
=============== ==========================================================================
size (Point | QPointF | sequence) The final size of the ROI
center (None | Point) Optional center point around which the ROI is scaled,
expressed as [0-1, 0-1] over the size of the ROI.
centerLocal (None | Point) Same as *center*, but the position is expressed in the
local coordinate system of the ROI
snap (bool) If True, the final size is snapped to the nearest increment (see
update (bool) See setPos()
finish (bool) See setPos()
=============== ==========================================================================
if update not in (True, False):
raise TypeError("update argument must be bool")
size = Point(size)
if snap:
size[0] = round(size[0] / self.scaleSnapSize) * self.scaleSnapSize
size[1] = round(size[1] / self.scaleSnapSize) * self.scaleSnapSize
if centerLocal is not None:
oldSize = Point(self.state['size'])
oldSize[0] = 1 if oldSize[0] == 0 else oldSize[0]
oldSize[1] = 1 if oldSize[1] == 0 else oldSize[1]
center = Point(centerLocal) / oldSize
if center is not None:
center = Point(center)
c = self.mapToParent(Point(center) * self.state['size'])
c1 = self.mapToParent(Point(center) * size)
newPos = self.state['pos'] + c - c1
self.setPos(newPos, update=False, finish=False)
self.state['size'] = size
if update:
def setAngle(self, angle, center=None, centerLocal=None, snap=False, update=True, finish=True):
Set the ROI's rotation angle.
=============== ==========================================================================
angle (float) The final ROI angle in degrees
center (None | Point) Optional center point around which the ROI is rotated,
expressed as [0-1, 0-1] over the size of the ROI.
centerLocal (None | Point) Same as *center*, but the position is expressed in the
local coordinate system of the ROI
snap (bool) If True, the final ROI angle is snapped to the nearest increment
(default is 15 degrees; see ROI.rotateSnapAngle)
update (bool) See setPos()
finish (bool) See setPos()
=============== ==========================================================================
if update not in (True, False):
raise TypeError("update argument must be bool")
if snap is True:
angle = round(angle / self.rotateSnapAngle) * self.rotateSnapAngle
self.state['angle'] = angle
tr = QtGui.QTransform() # note: only rotation is contained in the transform
if center is not None:
centerLocal = Point(center) * self.state['size']
if centerLocal is not None:
centerLocal = Point(centerLocal)
# rotate to new angle, keeping a specific point anchored as the center of rotation
cc = self.mapToParent(centerLocal) - ( + self.state['pos'])
self.translate(cc, update=False)
if update:
def scale(self, s, center=None, centerLocal=None, snap=False, update=True, finish=True):
Resize the ROI by scaling relative to *center*.
See setPos() for an explanation of the *update* and *finish* arguments.
newSize = self.state['size'] * s
self.setSize(newSize, center=center, centerLocal=centerLocal, snap=snap, update=update, finish=finish)
def translate(self, *args, **kargs):
Move the ROI to a new position.
Accepts either (x, y, snap) or ([x,y], snap) as arguments
If the ROI is bounded and the move would exceed boundaries, then the ROI
is moved to the nearest acceptable position instead.
*snap* can be:
=============== ==========================================================================
None (default) use self.translateSnap and self.snapSize to determine whether/how to snap
False do not snap
Point(w,h) snap to rectangular grid with spacing (w,h)
True snap using self.snapSize (and ignoring self.translateSnap)
=============== ==========================================================================
Also accepts *update* and *finish* arguments (see setPos() for a description of these).
if len(args) == 1:
pt = args[0]
pt = args
newState = self.stateCopy()
newState['pos'] = newState['pos'] + pt
snap = kargs.get('snap', None)
if snap is None:
snap = self.translateSnap
if snap is not False:
newState['pos'] = self.getSnapPosition(newState['pos'], snap=snap)
if self.maxBounds is not None:
r = self.stateRect(newState)
d = Point(0,0)
if self.maxBounds.left() > r.left():
d[0] = self.maxBounds.left() - r.left()
elif self.maxBounds.right() < r.right():
d[0] = self.maxBounds.right() - r.right()
if >
d[1] = -
elif self.maxBounds.bottom() < r.bottom():
d[1] = self.maxBounds.bottom() - r.bottom()
newState['pos'] += d
update = kargs.get('update', True)
finish = kargs.get('finish', True)
self.setPos(newState['pos'], update=update, finish=finish)
def rotate(self, angle, center=None, snap=False, update=True, finish=True):
Rotate the ROI by *angle* degrees.
=============== ==========================================================================
angle (float) The angle in degrees to rotate
center (None | Point) Optional center point around which the ROI is rotated, in
the local coordinate system of the ROI
snap (bool) If True, the final ROI angle is snapped to the nearest increment
(default is 15 degrees; see ROI.rotateSnapAngle)
update (bool) See setPos()
finish (bool) See setPos()
=============== ==========================================================================
self.setAngle(self.angle()+angle, center=center, snap=snap, update=update, finish=finish)
def handleMoveStarted(self):
self.preMoveState = self.getState()
def addTranslateHandle(self, pos, axes=None, item=None, name=None, index=None):
Add a new translation handle to the ROI. Dragging the handle will move
the entire ROI without changing its angle or shape.
Note that, by default, ROIs may be moved by dragging anywhere inside the
ROI. However, for larger ROIs it may be desirable to disable this and
instead provide one or more translation handles.
=================== ====================================================
pos (length-2 sequence) The position of the handle
relative to the shape of the ROI. A value of (0,0)
indicates the origin, whereas (1, 1) indicates the
upper-right corner, regardless of the ROI's size.
item The Handle instance to add. If None, a new handle
will be created.
name The name of this handle (optional). Handles are
identified by name when calling
getLocalHandlePositions and getSceneHandlePositions.
=================== ====================================================
pos = Point(pos)
return self.addHandle({'name': name, 'type': 't', 'pos': pos, 'item': item}, index=index)
def addFreeHandle(self, pos=None, axes=None, item=None, name=None, index=None):
Add a new free handle to the ROI. Dragging free handles has no effect
on the position or shape of the ROI.
=================== ====================================================
pos (length-2 sequence) The position of the handle
relative to the shape of the ROI. A value of (0,0)
indicates the origin, whereas (1, 1) indicates the
upper-right corner, regardless of the ROI's size.
item The Handle instance to add. If None, a new handle
will be created.
name The name of this handle (optional). Handles are
identified by name when calling
getLocalHandlePositions and getSceneHandlePositions.
=================== ====================================================
if pos is not None:
pos = Point(pos)
return self.addHandle({'name': name, 'type': 'f', 'pos': pos, 'item': item}, index=index)
def addScaleHandle(self, pos, center, axes=None, item=None, name=None, lockAspect=False, index=None):
Add a new scale handle to the ROI. Dragging a scale handle allows the
user to change the height and/or width of the ROI.
=================== ====================================================
pos (length-2 sequence) The position of the handle
relative to the shape of the ROI. A value of (0,0)
indicates the origin, whereas (1, 1) indicates the
upper-right corner, regardless of the ROI's size.
center (length-2 sequence) The center point around which
scaling takes place. If the center point has the
same x or y value as the handle position, then
scaling will be disabled for that axis.
item The Handle instance to add. If None, a new handle
will be created.
name The name of this handle (optional). Handles are
identified by name when calling
getLocalHandlePositions and getSceneHandlePositions.
=================== ====================================================
pos = Point(pos)
center = Point(center)
info = {'name': name, 'type': 's', 'center': center, 'pos': pos, 'item': item, 'lockAspect': lockAspect}
if pos.x() == center.x():
info['xoff'] = True
if pos.y() == center.y():
info['yoff'] = True
return self.addHandle(info, index=index)
def addRotateHandle(self, pos, center, item=None, name=None, index=None):
Add a new rotation handle to the ROI. Dragging a rotation handle allows
the user to change the angle of the ROI.
=================== ====================================================
pos (length-2 sequence) The position of the handle
relative to the shape of the ROI. A value of (0,0)
indicates the origin, whereas (1, 1) indicates the
upper-right corner, regardless of the ROI's size.
center (length-2 sequence) The center point around which
rotation takes place.
item The Handle instance to add. If None, a new handle
will be created.
name The name of this handle (optional). Handles are
identified by name when calling
getLocalHandlePositions and getSceneHandlePositions.
=================== ====================================================
pos = Point(pos)
center = Point(center)
return self.addHandle({'name': name, 'type': 'r', 'center': center, 'pos': pos, 'item': item}, index=index)
def addScaleRotateHandle(self, pos, center, item=None, name=None, index=None):
Add a new scale+rotation handle to the ROI. When dragging a handle of
this type, the user can simultaneously rotate the ROI around an
arbitrary center point as well as scale the ROI by dragging the handle
toward or away from the center point.
=================== ====================================================
pos (length-2 sequence) The position of the handle
relative to the shape of the ROI. A value of (0,0)
indicates the origin, whereas (1, 1) indicates the
upper-right corner, regardless of the ROI's size.
center (length-2 sequence) The center point around which
scaling and rotation take place.
item The Handle instance to add. If None, a new handle
will be created.
name The name of this handle (optional). Handles are
identified by name when calling
getLocalHandlePositions and getSceneHandlePositions.
=================== ====================================================
pos = Point(pos)
center = Point(center)
if pos[0] == center[0] and pos[1] == center[1]:
raise Exception("Scale/rotate handles cannot be at their center point.")
return self.addHandle({'name': name, 'type': 'sr', 'center': center, 'pos': pos, 'item': item}, index=index)
def addRotateFreeHandle(self, pos, center, axes=None, item=None, name=None, index=None):
Add a new rotation+free handle to the ROI. When dragging a handle of
this type, the user can rotate the ROI around an
arbitrary center point, while moving toward or away from the center
point has no effect on the shape of the ROI.
=================== ====================================================
pos (length-2 sequence) The position of the handle
relative to the shape of the ROI. A value of (0,0)
indicates the origin, whereas (1, 1) indicates the
upper-right corner, regardless of the ROI's size.
center (length-2 sequence) The center point around which
rotation takes place.
item The Handle instance to add. If None, a new handle
will be created.
name The name of this handle (optional). Handles are
identified by name when calling
getLocalHandlePositions and getSceneHandlePositions.
=================== ====================================================
pos = Point(pos)
center = Point(center)
return self.addHandle({'name': name, 'type': 'rf', 'center': center, 'pos': pos, 'item': item}, index=index)
def addHandle(self, info, index=None):
## If a Handle was not supplied, create it now
if 'item' not in info or info['item'] is None:
h = Handle(self.handleSize, typ=info['type'], pen=self.handlePen,
hoverPen=self.handleHoverPen, parent=self)
info['item'] = h
h = info['item']
if info['pos'] is None:
info['pos'] = h.pos()
h.setPos(info['pos'] * self.state['size'])
## connect the handle to this ROI
#iid = len(self.handles)
if index is None:
self.handles.insert(index, info)
return h
def indexOfHandle(self, handle):
Return the index of *handle* in the list of this ROI's handles.
if isinstance(handle, Handle):
index = [i for i, info in enumerate(self.handles) if info['item'] is handle]
if len(index) == 0:
raise Exception("Cannot return handle index; not attached to this ROI")
return index[0]
return handle
def removeHandle(self, handle):
"""Remove a handle from this ROI. Argument may be either a Handle
instance or the integer index of the handle."""
index = self.indexOfHandle(handle)
handle = self.handles[index]['item']
if len(handle.rois) == 0:
def replaceHandle(self, oldHandle, newHandle):
"""Replace one handle in the ROI for another. This is useful when
connecting multiple ROIs together.
*oldHandle* may be a Handle instance or the index of a handle to be
index = self.indexOfHandle(oldHandle)
info = self.handles[index]
info['item'] = newHandle
info['pos'] = newHandle.pos()
self.addHandle(info, index=index)
def checkRemoveHandle(self, handle):
## This is used when displaying a Handle's context menu to determine
## whether removing is allowed.
## Subclasses may wish to override this to disable the menu entry.
## Note: by default, handles are not user-removable even if this method returns True.
return True
def getLocalHandlePositions(self, index=None):
"""Returns the position of handles in the ROI's coordinate system.
The format returned is a list of (name, pos) tuples.
if index == None:
positions = []
for h in self.handles:
positions.append((h['name'], h['pos']))
return positions
return (self.handles[index]['name'], self.handles[index]['pos'])
def getSceneHandlePositions(self, index=None):
"""Returns the position of handles in the scene coordinate system.
The format returned is a list of (name, pos) tuples.
if index == None:
positions = []
for h in self.handles:
positions.append((h['name'], h['item'].scenePos()))
return positions
return (self.handles[index]['name'], self.handles[index]['item'].scenePos())
def getHandles(self):
Return a list of this ROI's Handles.
return [h['item'] for h in self.handles]
def mapSceneToParent(self, pt):
return self.mapToParent(self.mapFromScene(pt))
def setSelected(self, s):
QtGui.QGraphicsItem.setSelected(self, s)
#print "select", self, s
if s:
for h in self.handles:
for h in self.handles:
def hoverEvent(self, ev):
hover = False
if not ev.isExit():
if self.translatable and ev.acceptDrags(QtCore.Qt.LeftButton):
for btn in [QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.RightButton, QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton]:
if (self.acceptedMouseButtons() & btn) and ev.acceptClicks(btn):
if self.contextMenuEnabled():
if hover:
ev.acceptClicks(QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) ## If the ROI is hilighted, we should accept all clicks to avoid confusion.
def setMouseHover(self, hover):
## Inform the ROI that the mouse is(not) hovering over it
if self.mouseHovering == hover:
self.mouseHovering = hover
def _updateHoverColor(self):
pen = self._makePen()
if self.currentPen != pen:
self.currentPen = pen
def _makePen(self):
# Generate the pen color for this ROI based on its current state.
if self.mouseHovering:
return self.hoverPen
return self.pen
def contextMenuEnabled(self):
return self.removable
def raiseContextMenu(self, ev):
if not self.contextMenuEnabled():
menu = self.getMenu()
menu = self.scene().addParentContextMenus(self, menu, ev)
pos = ev.screenPos()
menu.popup(QtCore.QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y()))
def getMenu(self):
if is None: = QtGui.QMenu()"ROI", "ROI"))
remAct = QtGui.QAction(translate("ROI", "Remove ROI"),
remAct.triggered.connect(self.removeClicked) = remAct
# ROI menu may be requested when showing the handle context menu, so
# return the menu but disable it if the ROI isn't removable
def removeClicked(self):
## Send remove event only after we have exited the menu event handler
QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self._emitRemoveRequest)
def _emitRemoveRequest(self):
def mouseDragEvent(self, ev):
def mouseClickEvent(self, ev):
if ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton and self.isMoving:
if ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton and self.contextMenuEnabled():
elif ev.button() & self.acceptedMouseButtons():
self.sigClicked.emit(self, ev)
def _moveStarted(self):
self.isMoving = True
self.preMoveState = self.getState()
def _moveFinished(self):
if self.isMoving:
self.isMoving = False
def cancelMove(self):
self.isMoving = False
def checkPointMove(self, handle, pos, modifiers):
"""When handles move, they must ask the ROI if the move is acceptable.
By default, this always returns True. Subclasses may wish override.
return True
def movePoint(self, handle, pos, modifiers=QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifiers(0), finish=True, coords='parent'):
## called by Handles when they are moved.
## pos is the new position of the handle in scene coords, as requested by the handle.
newState = self.stateCopy()
index = self.indexOfHandle(handle)
h = self.handles[index]
p0 = self.mapToParent(h['pos'] * self.state['size'])
p1 = Point(pos)
if coords == 'parent':
elif coords == 'scene':
p1 = self.mapSceneToParent(p1)
raise Exception("New point location must be given in either 'parent' or 'scene' coordinates.")
## Handles with a 'center' need to know their local position relative to the center point (lp0, lp1)
if 'center' in h:
c = h['center']
cs = c * self.state['size']
lp0 = self.mapFromParent(p0) - cs
lp1 = self.mapFromParent(p1) - cs
if h['type'] == 't':
snap = True if (modifiers & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier) else None
self.translate(p1-p0, snap=snap, update=False)
elif h['type'] == 'f':
newPos = self.mapFromParent(p1)
h['pos'] = newPos
self.freeHandleMoved = True
elif h['type'] == 's':
## If a handle and its center have the same x or y value, we can't scale across that axis.
if h['center'][0] == h['pos'][0]:
lp1[0] = 0
if h['center'][1] == h['pos'][1]:
lp1[1] = 0
## snap
if self.scaleSnap or (modifiers & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier):
lp1[0] = round(lp1[0] / self.scaleSnapSize) * self.scaleSnapSize
lp1[1] = round(lp1[1] / self.scaleSnapSize) * self.scaleSnapSize
## preserve aspect ratio (this can override snapping)
if h['lockAspect'] or (modifiers & QtCore.Qt.AltModifier):
#arv = Point(self.preMoveState['size']) -
lp1 = lp1.proj(lp0)
## determine scale factors and new size of ROI
hs = h['pos'] - c
if hs[0] == 0:
hs[0] = 1
if hs[1] == 0:
hs[1] = 1
newSize = lp1 / hs
## Perform some corrections and limit checks
if newSize[0] == 0:
newSize[0] = newState['size'][0]
if newSize[1] == 0:
newSize[1] = newState['size'][1]
if not self.invertible:
if newSize[0] < 0:
newSize[0] = newState['size'][0]
if newSize[1] < 0:
newSize[1] = newState['size'][1]
if self.aspectLocked:
newSize[0] = newSize[1]
## Move ROI so the center point occupies the same scene location after the scale
s0 = c * self.state['size']
s1 = c * newSize
cc = self.mapToParent(s0 - s1) - self.mapToParent(Point(0, 0))
## update state, do more boundary checks
newState['size'] = newSize
newState['pos'] = newState['pos'] + cc
if self.maxBounds is not None:
r = self.stateRect(newState)
if not self.maxBounds.contains(r):
self.setPos(newState['pos'], update=False)
self.setSize(newState['size'], update=False)
elif h['type'] in ['r', 'rf']:
if h['type'] == 'rf':
self.freeHandleMoved = True
if not self.rotatable:
## If the handle is directly over its center point, we can't compute an angle.
if lp1.length() == 0 or lp0.length() == 0:
except OverflowError:
## determine new rotation angle, constrained if necessary
ang = newState['angle'] - lp0.angle(lp1)
if ang is None: ## this should never happen..
if self.rotateSnap or (modifiers & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier):
ang = round(ang / self.rotateSnapAngle) * self.rotateSnapAngle
## create rotation transform
tr = QtGui.QTransform()
## move ROI so that center point remains stationary after rotate
cc = self.mapToParent(cs) - ( + self.state['pos'])
newState['angle'] = ang
newState['pos'] = newState['pos'] + cc
## check boundaries, update
if self.maxBounds is not None:
r = self.stateRect(newState)
if not self.maxBounds.contains(r):
self.setPos(newState['pos'], update=False)
self.setAngle(ang, update=False)
## If this is a free-rotate handle, its distance from the center may change.
if h['type'] == 'rf':
h['item'].setPos(self.mapFromScene(p1)) ## changes ROI coordinates of handle
h['pos'] = self.mapFromParent(p1)
elif h['type'] == 'sr':
if lp1.length() == 0 or lp0.length() == 0:
except OverflowError:
ang = newState['angle'] - lp0.angle(lp1)
if ang is None:
if self.rotateSnap or (modifiers & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier):
ang = round(ang / self.rotateSnapAngle) * self.rotateSnapAngle
if self.aspectLocked or h['center'][0] != h['pos'][0]:
newState['size'][0] = self.state['size'][0] * lp1.length() / lp0.length()
if self.scaleSnap: # use CTRL only for angular snap here.
newState['size'][0] = round(newState['size'][0] / self.snapSize) * self.snapSize
if self.aspectLocked or h['center'][1] != h['pos'][1]:
newState['size'][1] = self.state['size'][1] * lp1.length() / lp0.length()
if self.scaleSnap: # use CTRL only for angular snap here.
newState['size'][1] = round(newState['size'][1] / self.snapSize) * self.snapSize
if newState['size'][0] == 0:
newState['size'][0] = 1
if newState['size'][1] == 0:
newState['size'][1] = 1
c1 = c * newState['size']
tr = QtGui.QTransform()
cc = self.mapToParent(cs) - ( + self.state['pos'])
newState['angle'] = ang
newState['pos'] = newState['pos'] + cc
if self.maxBounds is not None:
r = self.stateRect(newState)
if not self.maxBounds.contains(r):
self.setState(newState, update=False)
def stateChanged(self, finish=True):
"""Process changes to the state of the ROI.
If there are any changes, then the positions of handles are updated accordingly
and sigRegionChanged is emitted. If finish is True, then
sigRegionChangeFinished will also be emitted."""
changed = False
if self.lastState is None:
changed = True
state = self.getState()
for k in list(state.keys()):
if state[k] != self.lastState[k]:
changed = True
if changed:
## Move all handles to match the current configuration of the ROI
for h in self.handles:
if h['item'] in self.childItems():
p = h['pos']
h['item'].setPos(h['pos'] * self.state['size'])
elif self.freeHandleMoved:
self.freeHandleMoved = False
self.lastState = self.getState()
if finish:
def stateChangeFinished(self):
def stateRect(self, state):
r = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, state['size'][0], state['size'][1])
tr = QtGui.QTransform()
r = tr.mapRect(r)
return r.adjusted(state['pos'][0], state['pos'][1], state['pos'][0], state['pos'][1])
def getSnapPosition(self, pos, snap=None):
## Given that pos has been requested, return the nearest snap-to position
## optionally, snap may be passed in to specify a rectangular snap grid.
## override this function for more interesting snap functionality..
if snap is None or snap is True:
if self.snapSize is None:
return pos
snap = Point(self.snapSize, self.snapSize)
return Point(
round(pos[0] / snap[0]) * snap[0],
round(pos[1] / snap[1]) * snap[1]
def boundingRect(self):
return QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, self.state['size'][0], self.state['size'][1]).normalized()
def paint(self, p, opt, widget):
# Note: don't use self.boundingRect here, because subclasses may need to redefine it.
r = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, self.state['size'][0], self.state['size'][1]).normalized()
p.scale(r.width(), r.height())
p.drawRect(0, 0, 1, 1)
def getArraySlice(self, data, img, axes=(0,1), returnSlice=True):
"""Return a tuple of slice objects that can be used to slice the region
from *data* that is covered by the bounding rectangle of this ROI.
Also returns the transform that maps the ROI into data coordinates.
If returnSlice is set to False, the function returns a pair of tuples with the values that would have
been used to generate the slice objects. ((ax0Start, ax0Stop), (ax1Start, ax1Stop))
If the slice cannot be computed (usually because the scene/transforms are not properly
constructed yet), then the method returns None.
## Determine shape of array along ROI axes
dShape = (data.shape[axes[0]], data.shape[axes[1]])
## Determine transform that maps ROI bounding box to image coordinates
tr = self.sceneTransform() * fn.invertQTransform(img.sceneTransform())
except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
return None
## Modify transform to scale from image coords to data coords
axisOrder = img.axisOrder
if axisOrder == 'row-major':
tr.scale(float(dShape[1]) / img.width(), float(dShape[0]) / img.height())
tr.scale(float(dShape[0]) / img.width(), float(dShape[1]) / img.height())
## Transform ROI bounds into data bounds
dataBounds = tr.mapRect(self.boundingRect())
## Intersect transformed ROI bounds with data bounds
if axisOrder == 'row-major':
intBounds = dataBounds.intersected(QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, dShape[1], dShape[0]))
intBounds = dataBounds.intersected(QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, dShape[0], dShape[1]))
## Determine index values to use when referencing the array.
bounds = (
(int(min(intBounds.left(), intBounds.right())), int(1+max(intBounds.left(), intBounds.right()))),
(int(min(intBounds.bottom(),, int(1+max(intBounds.bottom(),
if axisOrder == 'row-major':
bounds = bounds[::-1]
if returnSlice:
## Create slice objects
sl = [slice(None)] * data.ndim
sl[axes[0]] = slice(*bounds[0])
sl[axes[1]] = slice(*bounds[1])
return tuple(sl), tr
return bounds, tr
def getArrayRegion(self, data, img, axes=(0,1), returnMappedCoords=False, **kwds):
r"""Use the position and orientation of this ROI relative to an imageItem
to pull a slice from an array.
=================== ====================================================
data The array to slice from. Note that this array does
*not* have to be the same data that is represented
in *img*.
img (ImageItem or other suitable QGraphicsItem)
Used to determine the relationship between the
ROI and the boundaries of *data*.
axes (length-2 tuple) Specifies the axes in *data* that
correspond to the (x, y) axes of *img*. If the
image's axis order is set to
'row-major', then the axes are instead specified in
(y, x) order.
returnMappedCoords (bool) If True, the array slice is returned along
with a corresponding array of coordinates that were
used to extract data from the original array.
\**kwds All keyword arguments are passed to
:func:`affineSlice <pyqtgraph.affineSlice>`.
=================== ====================================================
This method uses :func:`affineSlice <pyqtgraph.affineSlice>` to generate
the slice from *data* and uses :func:`getAffineSliceParams <pyqtgraph.ROI.getAffineSliceParams>`
to determine the parameters to pass to :func:`affineSlice <pyqtgraph.affineSlice>`.
If *returnMappedCoords* is True, then the method returns a tuple (result, coords)
such that coords is the set of coordinates used to interpolate values from the original
data, mapped into the parent coordinate system of the image. This is useful, when slicing
data from images that have been transformed, for determining the location of each value
in the sliced data.
All extra keyword arguments are passed to :func:`affineSlice <pyqtgraph.affineSlice>`.
# this is a hidden argument for internal use
fromBR = kwds.pop('fromBoundingRect', False)
# Automaticaly compute missing parameters
_shape, _vectors, _origin = self.getAffineSliceParams(data, img, axes, fromBoundingRect=fromBR)
# Replace them with user defined parameters if defined
shape = kwds.pop('shape', _shape)
vectors = kwds.pop('vectors', _vectors)
origin = kwds.pop('origin', _origin)
if not returnMappedCoords:
rgn = fn.affineSlice(data, shape=shape, vectors=vectors, origin=origin, axes=axes, **kwds)
return rgn
kwds['returnCoords'] = True
result, coords = fn.affineSlice(data, shape=shape, vectors=vectors, origin=origin, axes=axes, **kwds)
### map coordinates and return
mapped = fn.transformCoordinates(img.transform(), coords)
return result, mapped
def _getArrayRegionForArbitraryShape(self, data, img, axes=(0,1), **kwds):
Return the result of :meth:`~pyqtgraph.ROI.getArrayRegion`, masked by
the shape of the ROI. Values outside the ROI shape are set to 0.
See :meth:`~pyqtgraph.ROI.getArrayRegion` for a description of the
Note: ``returnMappedCoords`` is not yet supported for this ROI type.
br = self.boundingRect()
if br.width() > 1000:
raise Exception()
sliced = ROI.getArrayRegion(self, data, img, axes=axes, fromBoundingRect=True, **kwds)
if img.axisOrder == "col-major":
mask = self.renderShapeMask(sliced.shape[axes[0]], sliced.shape[axes[1]])
mask = self.renderShapeMask(sliced.shape[axes[1]], sliced.shape[axes[0]])
mask = mask.T
# reshape mask to ensure it is applied to the correct data axes
shape = [1] * data.ndim
shape[axes[0]] = sliced.shape[axes[0]]
shape[axes[1]] = sliced.shape[axes[1]]
mask = mask.reshape(shape)
return sliced * mask
def getAffineSliceParams(self, data, img, axes=(0,1), fromBoundingRect=False):
Returns the parameters needed to use :func:`affineSlice <pyqtgraph.affineSlice>`
(shape, vectors, origin) to extract a subset of *data* using this ROI
and *img* to specify the subset.
If *fromBoundingRect* is True, then the ROI's bounding rectangle is used
rather than the shape of the ROI.
See :func:`getArrayRegion <pyqtgraph.ROI.getArrayRegion>` for more information.
if self.scene() is not img.scene():
raise Exception("ROI and target item must be members of the same scene.")
origin = img.mapToData(self.mapToItem(img, QtCore.QPointF(0, 0)))
## vx and vy point in the directions of the slice axes, but must be scaled properly
vx = img.mapToData(self.mapToItem(img, QtCore.QPointF(1, 0))) - origin
vy = img.mapToData(self.mapToItem(img, QtCore.QPointF(0, 1))) - origin
lvx = np.sqrt(vx.x()**2 + vx.y()**2)
lvy = np.sqrt(vy.x()**2 + vy.y()**2)
##img.width is number of pixels, not width of item.
##need pxWidth and pxHeight instead of pxLen ?
sx = 1.0 / lvx
sy = 1.0 / lvy
vectors = ((vx.x()*sx, vx.y()*sx), (vy.x()*sy, vy.y()*sy))
if fromBoundingRect is True:
shape = self.boundingRect().width(), self.boundingRect().height()
origin = img.mapToData(self.mapToItem(img, self.boundingRect().topLeft()))
origin = (origin.x(), origin.y())
shape = self.state['size']
origin = (origin.x(), origin.y())
shape = [abs(shape[0]/sx), abs(shape[1]/sy)]
if img.axisOrder == 'row-major':
# transpose output
vectors = vectors[::-1]
shape = shape[::-1]
return shape, vectors, origin
def renderShapeMask(self, width, height):
"""Return an array of 0.0-1.0 into which the shape of the item has been drawn.
This can be used to mask array selections.
if width == 0 or height == 0:
return np.empty((width, height), dtype=float)
im = QtGui.QImage(width, height, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)
p = QtGui.QPainter(im)
shape = self.shape()
bounds = shape.boundingRect()
p.scale(im.width() / bounds.width(), im.height() / bounds.height())
mask = fn.imageToArray(im, transpose=True)[:,:,0].astype(float) / 255.
return mask
def getGlobalTransform(self, relativeTo=None):
"""Return global transformation (rotation angle+translation) required to move
from relative state to current state. If relative state isn't specified,
then we use the state of the ROI when mouse is pressed."""
if relativeTo == None:
relativeTo = self.preMoveState
st = self.getState()
## this is only allowed because we will be comparing the two
relativeTo['scale'] = relativeTo['size']
st['scale'] = st['size']
t1 = SRTTransform(relativeTo)
t2 = SRTTransform(st)
return t2/t1
def applyGlobalTransform(self, tr):
st = self.getState()
st['scale'] = st['size']
st = SRTTransform(st)
st = (st * tr).saveState()
st['size'] = st['scale']
class Handle(UIGraphicsItem):
Handle represents a single user-interactable point attached to an ROI. They
are usually created by a call to one of the ROI.add___Handle() methods.
Handles are represented as a square, diamond, or circle, and are drawn with
fixed pixel size regardless of the scaling of the view they are displayed in.
Handles may be dragged to change the position, size, orientation, or other
properties of the ROI they are attached to.
types = { ## defines number of sides, start angle for each handle type
't': (4, np.pi/4),
'f': (4, np.pi/4),
's': (4, 0),
'r': (12, 0),
'sr': (12, 0),
'rf': (12, 0),
sigClicked = QtCore.Signal(object, object) # self, event
sigRemoveRequested = QtCore.Signal(object) # self
def __init__(self, radius, typ=None, pen=(200, 200, 220),
hoverPen=(255, 255, 0), parent=None, deletable=False):
self.rois = []
self.radius = radius
self.typ = typ
self.pen = fn.mkPen(pen)
self.hoverPen = fn.mkPen(hoverPen)
self.currentPen = self.pen
self.isMoving = False
self.sides, self.startAng = self.types[typ]
self._shape = None = self.buildMenu()
UIGraphicsItem.__init__(self, parent=parent)
self.deletable = deletable
if deletable:
def connectROI(self, roi):
### roi is the "parent" roi, i is the index of the handle in roi.handles
def disconnectROI(self, roi):
def setDeletable(self, b):
self.deletable = b
if b:
self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(self.acceptedMouseButtons() | QtCore.Qt.RightButton)
self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(self.acceptedMouseButtons() & ~QtCore.Qt.RightButton)
def removeClicked(self):
def hoverEvent(self, ev):
hover = False
if not ev.isExit():
if ev.acceptDrags(QtCore.Qt.LeftButton):
for btn in [QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.RightButton, QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton]:
if (self.acceptedMouseButtons() & btn) and ev.acceptClicks(btn):
if hover:
self.currentPen = self.hoverPen
self.currentPen = self.pen
def mouseClickEvent(self, ev):
## right-click cancels drag
if ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton and self.isMoving:
self.isMoving = False ## prevents any further motion
self.movePoint(self.startPos, finish=True)
elif ev.button() & self.acceptedMouseButtons():
if ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton and self.deletable:
self.sigClicked.emit(self, ev)
def buildMenu(self):
menu = QtGui.QMenu()
menu.setTitle(translate("ROI", "Handle"))
self.removeAction = menu.addAction(translate("ROI", "Remove handle"), self.removeClicked)
return menu
def getMenu(self):
def raiseContextMenu(self, ev):
menu = self.scene().addParentContextMenus(self, self.getMenu(), ev)
## Make sure it is still ok to remove this handle
removeAllowed = all([r.checkRemoveHandle(self) for r in self.rois])
pos = ev.screenPos()
menu.popup(QtCore.QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y()))
def mouseDragEvent(self, ev):
if ev.button() != QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
## Inform ROIs that a drag is happening
## note: the ROI is informed that the handle has moved using ROI.movePoint
## this is for other (more nefarious) purposes.
#for r in self.roi:
#r[0].pointDragEvent(r[1], ev)
if ev.isFinish():
if self.isMoving:
for r in self.rois:
self.isMoving = False
self.currentPen = self.pen
elif ev.isStart():
for r in self.rois:
self.isMoving = True
self.startPos = self.scenePos()
self.cursorOffset = self.scenePos() - ev.buttonDownScenePos()
self.currentPen = self.hoverPen
if self.isMoving: ## note: isMoving may become False in mid-drag due to right-click.
pos = ev.scenePos() + self.cursorOffset
self.currentPen = self.hoverPen
self.movePoint(pos, ev.modifiers(), finish=False)
def movePoint(self, pos, modifiers=QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifiers(0), finish=True):
for r in self.rois:
if not r.checkPointMove(self, pos, modifiers):
#print "point moved; inform %d ROIs" % len(self.roi)
# A handle can be used by multiple ROIs; tell each to update its handle position
for r in self.rois:
r.movePoint(self, pos, modifiers, finish=finish, coords='scene')
def buildPath(self):
size = self.radius
self.path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
ang = self.startAng
dt = 2*np.pi / self.sides
for i in range(0, self.sides+1):
x = size * cos(ang)
y = size * sin(ang)
ang += dt
if i == 0:
self.path.moveTo(x, y)
self.path.lineTo(x, y)
def paint(self, p, opt, widget):
p.setRenderHints(p.Antialiasing, True)
def shape(self):
if self._shape is None:
s = self.generateShape()
if s is None:
return self.path
self._shape = s
self.prepareGeometryChange() ## beware--this can cause the view to adjust, which would immediately invalidate the shape.
return self._shape
def boundingRect(self):
s1 = self.shape()
return self.shape().boundingRect()
def generateShape(self):
dt = self.deviceTransform()
if dt is None:
self._shape = self.path
return None
v =, 0)) -, 0))
va = np.arctan2(v.y(), v.x())
dti = fn.invertQTransform(dt)
devPos =,0))
tr = QtGui.QTransform()
tr.translate(devPos.x(), devPos.y())
tr.rotate(va * 180. / 3.1415926)
def viewTransformChanged(self):
self._shape = None ## invalidate shape, recompute later if requested.
class MouseDragHandler(object):
"""Implements default mouse drag behavior for ROI (not for ROI handles).
def __init__(self, roi):
self.roi = roi
self.dragMode = None
self.startState = None
self.snapModifier = QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier
self.translateModifier = QtCore.Qt.NoModifier
self.rotateModifier = QtCore.Qt.AltModifier
self.scaleModifier = QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier
self.rotateSpeed = 0.5
self.scaleSpeed = 1.01
def mouseDragEvent(self, ev):
roi = self.roi
if ev.isStart():
if ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
mods = ev.modifiers() & ~self.snapModifier
if roi.translatable and mods == self.translateModifier:
self.dragMode = 'translate'
elif roi.rotatable and mods == self.rotateModifier:
self.dragMode = 'rotate'
elif roi.resizable and mods == self.scaleModifier:
self.dragMode = 'scale'
self.dragMode = None
if self.dragMode is not None:
self.startPos = roi.mapToParent(ev.buttonDownPos())
self.startState = roi.saveState()
self.cursorOffset = roi.pos() - self.startPos
self.dragMode = None
if ev.isFinish() and self.dragMode is not None:
# roi.isMoving becomes False if the move was cancelled by right-click
if not roi.isMoving or self.dragMode is None:
snap = True if (ev.modifiers() & self.snapModifier) else None
pos = roi.mapToParent(ev.pos())
if self.dragMode == 'translate':
newPos = pos + self.cursorOffset
roi.translate(newPos - roi.pos(), snap=snap, finish=False)
elif self.dragMode == 'rotate':
diff = self.rotateSpeed * (ev.scenePos() - ev.buttonDownScenePos()).x()
angle = self.startState['angle'] - diff
roi.setAngle(angle, centerLocal=ev.buttonDownPos(), snap=snap, finish=False)
elif self.dragMode == 'scale':
diff = self.scaleSpeed ** -(ev.scenePos() - ev.buttonDownScenePos()).y()
roi.setSize(Point(self.startState['size']) * diff, centerLocal=ev.buttonDownPos(), snap=snap, finish=False)
class TestROI(ROI):
def __init__(self, pos, size, **args):
ROI.__init__(self, pos, size, **args)
self.addTranslateHandle([0.5, 0.5])
self.addScaleHandle([1, 1], [0, 0])
self.addScaleHandle([0, 0], [1, 1])
self.addScaleRotateHandle([1, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5])
self.addScaleHandle([0.5, 1], [0.5, 0.5])
self.addRotateHandle([1, 0], [0, 0])
self.addRotateHandle([0, 1], [1, 1])
class RectROI(ROI):
Rectangular ROI subclass with a single scale handle at the top-right corner.
============== =============================================================
pos (length-2 sequence) The position of the ROI origin.
See ROI().
size (length-2 sequence) The size of the ROI. See ROI().
centered (bool) If True, scale handles affect the ROI relative to its
center, rather than its origin.
sideScalers (bool) If True, extra scale handles are added at the top and
right edges.
\**args All extra keyword arguments are passed to ROI()
============== =============================================================
def __init__(self, pos, size, centered=False, sideScalers=False, **args):
ROI.__init__(self, pos, size, **args)
if centered:
center = [0.5, 0.5]
center = [0, 0]
self.addScaleHandle([1, 1], center)
if sideScalers:
self.addScaleHandle([1, 0.5], [center[0], 0.5])
self.addScaleHandle([0.5, 1], [0.5, center[1]])
class LineROI(ROI):
Rectangular ROI subclass with scale-rotate handles on either side. This
allows the ROI to be positioned as if moving the ends of a line segment.
A third handle controls the width of the ROI orthogonal to its "line" axis.
============== =============================================================
pos1 (length-2 sequence) The position of the center of the ROI's
left edge.
pos2 (length-2 sequence) The position of the center of the ROI's
right edge.
width (float) The width of the ROI.
\**args All extra keyword arguments are passed to ROI()
============== =============================================================
def __init__(self, pos1, pos2, width, **args):
pos1 = Point(pos1)
pos2 = Point(pos2)
d = pos2-pos1
l = d.length()
ang = Point(1, 0).angle(d)
ra = ang * np.pi / 180.
c = Point(-width/2. * sin(ra), -width/2. * cos(ra))
pos1 = pos1 + c
ROI.__init__(self, pos1, size=Point(l, width), angle=ang, **args)
self.addScaleRotateHandle([0, 0.5], [1, 0.5])
self.addScaleRotateHandle([1, 0.5], [0, 0.5])
self.addScaleHandle([0.5, 1], [0.5, 0.5])
class MultiRectROI(QtGui.QGraphicsObject):
Chain of rectangular ROIs connected by handles.
This is generally used to mark a curved path through
an image similarly to PolyLineROI. It differs in that each segment
of the chain is rectangular instead of linear and thus has width.
============== =============================================================
points (list of length-2 sequences) The list of points in the path.
width (float) The width of the ROIs orthogonal to the path.
\**args All extra keyword arguments are passed to ROI()
============== =============================================================
sigRegionChangeFinished = QtCore.Signal(object)
sigRegionChangeStarted = QtCore.Signal(object)
sigRegionChanged = QtCore.Signal(object)
def __init__(self, points, width, pen=None, **args):
self.pen = pen
self.roiArgs = args
self.lines = []
if len(points) < 2:
raise Exception("Must start with at least 2 points")
## create first segment
self.addSegment(points[1], connectTo=points[0], scaleHandle=True)
## create remaining segments
for p in points[2:]:
def paint(self, *args):
def boundingRect(self):
return QtCore.QRectF()
def roiChangedEvent(self):
w = self.lines[0].state['size'][1]
for l in self.lines[1:]:
w0 = l.state['size'][1]
if w == w0:
l.scale([1.0, w/w0], center=[0.5,0.5])
def roiChangeStartedEvent(self):
def roiChangeFinishedEvent(self):
def getHandlePositions(self):
"""Return the positions of all handles in local coordinates."""
pos = [self.mapFromScene(self.lines[0].getHandles()[0].scenePos())]
for l in self.lines:
return pos
def getArrayRegion(self, arr, img=None, axes=(0,1), **kwds):
Return the result of :meth:`~pyqtgraph.ROI.getArrayRegion` for each rect
in the chain concatenated into a single ndarray.
See :meth:`~pyqtgraph.ROI.getArrayRegion` for a description of the
Note: ``returnMappedCoords`` is not yet supported for this ROI type.
rgns = []
for l in self.lines:
rgn = l.getArrayRegion(arr, img, axes=axes, **kwds)
if rgn is None:
#print l.state['size']
## make sure orthogonal axis is the same size
## (sometimes fp errors cause differences)
if img.axisOrder == 'row-major':
axes = axes[::-1]
ms = min([r.shape[axes[1]] for r in rgns])
sl = [slice(None)] * rgns[0].ndim
sl[axes[1]] = slice(0,ms)
rgns = [r[tuple(sl)] for r in rgns]
#print [r.shape for r in rgns], axes
return np.concatenate(rgns, axis=axes[0])
def addSegment(self, pos=(0,0), scaleHandle=False, connectTo=None):
Add a new segment to the ROI connecting from the previous endpoint to *pos*.
(pos is specified in the parent coordinate system of the MultiRectROI)
## by default, connect to the previous endpoint
if connectTo is None:
connectTo = self.lines[-1].getHandles()[1]
## create new ROI
newRoi = ROI((0,0), [1, 5], parent=self, pen=self.pen, **self.roiArgs)
## Add first SR handle
if isinstance(connectTo, Handle):
self.lines[-1].addScaleRotateHandle([0, 0.5], [1, 0.5], item=connectTo)
newRoi.movePoint(connectTo, connectTo.scenePos(), coords='scene')
h = self.lines[-1].addScaleRotateHandle([0, 0.5], [1, 0.5])
newRoi.movePoint(h, connectTo, coords='scene')
## add second SR handle
h = self.lines[-1].addScaleRotateHandle([1, 0.5], [0, 0.5])
newRoi.movePoint(h, pos)
## optionally add scale handle (this MUST come after the two SR handles)
if scaleHandle:
newRoi.addScaleHandle([0.5, 1], [0.5, 0.5])
newRoi.translatable = False
def removeSegment(self, index=-1):
"""Remove a segment from the ROI."""
roi = self.lines[index]
class MultiLineROI(MultiRectROI):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
MultiRectROI.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
print("Warning: MultiLineROI has been renamed to MultiRectROI. (and MultiLineROI may be redefined in the future)")
class EllipseROI(ROI):
Elliptical ROI subclass with one scale handle and one rotation handle.
============== =============================================================
pos (length-2 sequence) The position of the ROI's origin.
size (length-2 sequence) The size of the ROI's bounding rectangle.
\**args All extra keyword arguments are passed to ROI()
============== =============================================================
def __init__(self, pos, size, **args):
self.path = None
ROI.__init__(self, pos, size, **args)
def _addHandles(self):
self.addRotateHandle([1.0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5])
self.addScaleHandle([0.5*2.**-0.5 + 0.5, 0.5*2.**-0.5 + 0.5], [0.5, 0.5])
def _clearPath(self):
self.path = None
def paint(self, p, opt, widget):
r = self.boundingRect()
p.scale(r.width(), r.height())## workaround for GL bug
r = QtCore.QRectF(r.x()/r.width(), r.y()/r.height(), 1,1)
def getArrayRegion(self, arr, img=None, axes=(0, 1), **kwds):
Return the result of :meth:`~pyqtgraph.ROI.getArrayRegion` masked by the
elliptical shape of the ROI. Regions outside the ellipse are set to 0.
See :meth:`~pyqtgraph.ROI.getArrayRegion` for a description of the
Note: ``returnMappedCoords`` is not yet supported for this ROI type.
# Note: we could use the same method as used by PolyLineROI, but this
# implementation produces a nicer mask.
arr = ROI.getArrayRegion(self, arr, img, axes, **kwds)
if arr is None or arr.shape[axes[0]] == 0 or arr.shape[axes[1]] == 0:
return arr
w = arr.shape[axes[0]]
h = arr.shape[axes[1]]
## generate an ellipsoidal mask
mask = np.fromfunction(lambda x,y: (((x+0.5)/(w/2.)-1)**2+ ((y+0.5)/(h/2.)-1)**2)**0.5 < 1, (w, h))
# reshape to match array axes
if axes[0] > axes[1]:
mask = mask.T
shape = [(n if i in axes else 1) for i,n in enumerate(arr.shape)]
mask = mask.reshape(shape)
return arr * mask
def shape(self):
if self.path is None:
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
# Note: Qt has a bug where very small ellipses (radius <0.001) do
# not correctly intersect with mouse position (upper-left and
# lower-right quadrants are not clickable).
# Workaround: manually draw the path.
br = self.boundingRect()
center =
r1 = br.width() / 2.
r2 = br.height() / 2.
theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 24)
x = center.x() + r1 * np.cos(theta)
y = center.y() + r2 * np.sin(theta)
path.moveTo(x[0], y[0])
for i in range(1, len(x)):
path.lineTo(x[i], y[i])
self.path = path
return self.path
class CircleROI(EllipseROI):
Circular ROI subclass. Behaves exactly as EllipseROI, but may only be scaled
proportionally to maintain its aspect ratio.
============== =============================================================
pos (length-2 sequence) The position of the ROI's origin.
size (length-2 sequence) The size of the ROI's bounding rectangle.
\**args All extra keyword arguments are passed to ROI()
============== =============================================================
def __init__(self, pos, size=None, radius=None, **args):
if size is None:
if radius is None:
raise TypeError("Must provide either size or radius.")
size = (radius*2, radius*2)
EllipseROI.__init__(self, pos, size, **args)
self.aspectLocked = True
def _addHandles(self):
self.addScaleHandle([0.5*2.**-0.5 + 0.5, 0.5*2.**-0.5 + 0.5], [0.5, 0.5])
class PolygonROI(ROI):
def __init__(self, positions, pos=None, **args):
'PolygonROI has been deprecated, will be removed in 0.13'
'use PolyLineROI instead',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
if pos is None:
pos = [0,0]
ROI.__init__(self, pos, [1,1], **args)
for p in positions:
def listPoints(self):
return [p['item'].pos() for p in self.handles]
def paint(self, p, *args):
for i in range(len(self.handles)):
h1 = self.handles[i]['item'].pos()
h2 = self.handles[i-1]['item'].pos()
p.drawLine(h1, h2)
def boundingRect(self):
r = QtCore.QRectF()
for h in self.handles:
r |= self.mapFromItem(h['item'], h['item'].boundingRect()).boundingRect() ## |= gives the union of the two QRectFs
return r
def shape(self):
p = QtGui.QPainterPath()
for i in range(len(self.handles)):
return p
def stateCopy(self):
sc = {}
sc['pos'] = Point(self.state['pos'])
sc['size'] = Point(self.state['size'])
sc['angle'] = self.state['angle']
return sc
class PolyLineROI(ROI):
Container class for multiple connected LineSegmentROIs.
This class allows the user to draw paths of multiple line segments.
============== =============================================================
positions (list of length-2 sequences) The list of points in the path.
Note that, unlike the handle positions specified in other
ROIs, these positions must be expressed in the normal
coordinate system of the ROI, rather than (0 to 1) relative
to the size of the ROI.
closed (bool) if True, an extra LineSegmentROI is added connecting
the beginning and end points.
\**args All extra keyword arguments are passed to ROI()
============== =============================================================
def __init__(self, positions, closed=False, pos=None, **args):
if pos is None:
pos = [0,0]
self.closed = closed
self.segments = []
ROI.__init__(self, pos, size=[1,1], **args)
def setPoints(self, points, closed=None):
Set the complete sequence of points displayed by this ROI.
============= =========================================================
points List of (x,y) tuples specifying handle locations to set.
closed If bool, then this will set whether the ROI is closed
(the last point is connected to the first point). If
None, then the closed mode is left unchanged.
============= =========================================================
if closed is not None:
self.closed = closed
for p in points:
start = -1 if self.closed else 0
for i in range(start, len(self.handles)-1):
self.addSegment(self.handles[i]['item'], self.handles[i+1]['item'])
def clearPoints(self):
Remove all handles and segments.
while len(self.handles) > 0:
def getState(self):
state = ROI.getState(self)
state['closed'] = self.closed
state['points'] = [Point(h.pos()) for h in self.getHandles()]
return state
def saveState(self):
state = ROI.saveState(self)
state['closed'] = self.closed
state['points'] = [tuple(h.pos()) for h in self.getHandles()]
return state
def setState(self, state):
ROI.setState(self, state)
self.setPoints(state['points'], closed=state['closed'])
def addSegment(self, h1, h2, index=None):
seg = _PolyLineSegment(handles=(h1, h2), pen=self.pen, hoverPen=self.hoverPen,
parent=self, movable=False)
if index is None:
self.segments.insert(index, seg)
for h in seg.handles:
h['item'].setAcceptedMouseButtons(h['item'].acceptedMouseButtons() | QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) ## have these handles take left clicks too, so that handles cannot be added on top of other handles
def setMouseHover(self, hover):
## Inform all the ROI's segments that the mouse is(not) hovering over it
ROI.setMouseHover(self, hover)
for s in self.segments:
def addHandle(self, info, index=None):
h = ROI.addHandle(self, info, index=index)
return h
def segmentClicked(self, segment, ev=None, pos=None): ## pos should be in this item's coordinate system
if ev != None:
pos = segment.mapToParent(ev.pos())
elif pos != None:
pos = pos
raise Exception("Either an event or a position must be given.")
h1 = segment.handles[0]['item']
h2 = segment.handles[1]['item']
i = self.segments.index(segment)
h3 = self.addFreeHandle(pos, index=self.indexOfHandle(h2))
self.addSegment(h3, h2, index=i+1)
segment.replaceHandle(h2, h3)
def removeHandle(self, handle, updateSegments=True):
ROI.removeHandle(self, handle)
if not updateSegments:
segments = handle.rois[:]
if len(segments) == 1:
elif len(segments) > 1:
handles = [h['item'] for h in segments[1].handles]
segments[0].replaceHandle(handle, handles[0])
def removeSegment(self, seg):
for handle in seg.handles[:]:
def checkRemoveHandle(self, h):
## called when a handle is about to display its context menu
if self.closed:
return len(self.handles) > 3
return len(self.handles) > 2
def paint(self, p, *args):
def boundingRect(self):
return self.shape().boundingRect()
def shape(self):
p = QtGui.QPainterPath()
if len(self.handles) == 0:
return p
for i in range(len(self.handles)):
return p
def getArrayRegion(self, *args, **kwds):
return self._getArrayRegionForArbitraryShape(*args, **kwds)
def setPen(self, *args, **kwds):
ROI.setPen(self, *args, **kwds)
for seg in self.segments:
seg.setPen(*args, **kwds)
class LineSegmentROI(ROI):
ROI subclass with two freely-moving handles defining a line.
============== =============================================================
positions (list of two length-2 sequences) The endpoints of the line
segment. Note that, unlike the handle positions specified in
other ROIs, these positions must be expressed in the normal
coordinate system of the ROI, rather than (0 to 1) relative
to the size of the ROI.
\**args All extra keyword arguments are passed to ROI()
============== =============================================================
def __init__(self, positions=(None, None), pos=None, handles=(None,None), **args):
if pos is None:
pos = [0,0]
ROI.__init__(self, pos, [1,1], **args)
if len(positions) > 2:
raise Exception("LineSegmentROI must be defined by exactly 2 positions. For more points, use PolyLineROI.")
for i, p in enumerate(positions):
self.addFreeHandle(p, item=handles[i])
def endpoints(self):
# must not be cached because self.handles may change.
return [h['item'] for h in self.handles]
def listPoints(self):
return [p['item'].pos() for p in self.handles]
def getState(self):
state = ROI.getState(self)
state['points'] = [Point(h.pos()) for h in self.getHandles()]
return state
def saveState(self):
state = ROI.saveState(self)
state['points'] = [tuple(h.pos()) for h in self.getHandles()]
return state
def setState(self, state):
ROI.setState(self, state)
p1 = [state['points'][0][0]+state['pos'][0], state['points'][0][1]+state['pos'][1]]
p2 = [state['points'][1][0]+state['pos'][0], state['points'][1][1]+state['pos'][1]]
self.movePoint(self.getHandles()[0], p1, finish=False)
self.movePoint(self.getHandles()[1], p2)
def paint(self, p, *args):
h1 = self.endpoints[0].pos()
h2 = self.endpoints[1].pos()
p.drawLine(h1, h2)
def boundingRect(self):
return self.shape().boundingRect()
def shape(self):
p = QtGui.QPainterPath()
h1 = self.endpoints[0].pos()
h2 = self.endpoints[1].pos()
dh = h2-h1
if dh.length() == 0:
return p
pxv = self.pixelVectors(dh)[1]
if pxv is None:
return p
pxv *= 4
return p
def getArrayRegion(self, data, img, axes=(0,1), order=1, returnMappedCoords=False, **kwds):
Use the position of this ROI relative to an imageItem to pull a slice
from an array.
Since this pulls 1D data from a 2D coordinate system, the return value
will have ndim = data.ndim-1
See :meth:`~pytqgraph.ROI.getArrayRegion` for a description of the
imgPts = [self.mapToItem(img, h.pos()) for h in self.endpoints]
rgns = []
coords = []
d = Point(imgPts[1] - imgPts[0])
o = Point(imgPts[0])
rgn = fn.affineSlice(data, shape=(int(d.length()),), vectors=[Point(d.norm())], origin=o, axes=axes, order=order, returnCoords=returnMappedCoords, **kwds)
return rgn
class _PolyLineSegment(LineSegmentROI):
# Used internally by PolyLineROI
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
self._parentHovering = False
LineSegmentROI.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
def setParentHover(self, hover):
# set independently of own hover state
if self._parentHovering != hover:
self._parentHovering = hover
def _makePen(self):
if self.mouseHovering or self._parentHovering:
return self.hoverPen
return self.pen
def hoverEvent(self, ev):
# accept drags even though we discard them to prevent competition with parent ROI
# (unless parent ROI is not movable)
if self.parentItem().translatable:
return LineSegmentROI.hoverEvent(self, ev)
class CrosshairROI(ROI):
"""A crosshair ROI whose position is at the center of the crosshairs. By default, it is scalable, rotatable and translatable."""
def __init__(self, pos=None, size=None, **kargs):
if size == None:
if pos == None:
pos = [0,0]
self._shape = None
ROI.__init__(self, pos, size, **kargs)
self.addScaleRotateHandle(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 0))
self.aspectLocked = True
def invalidate(self):
self._shape = None
def boundingRect(self):
return self.shape().boundingRect()
def shape(self):
if self._shape is None:
radius = self.getState()['size'][1]
p = QtGui.QPainterPath()
p.moveTo(Point(0, -radius))
p.lineTo(Point(0, radius))
p.moveTo(Point(-radius, 0))
p.lineTo(Point(radius, 0))
p = self.mapToDevice(p)
stroker = QtGui.QPainterPathStroker()
outline = stroker.createStroke(p)
self._shape = self.mapFromDevice(outline)
return self._shape
def paint(self, p, *args):
radius = self.getState()['size'][1]
p.drawLine(Point(0, -radius), Point(0, radius))
p.drawLine(Point(-radius, 0), Point(radius, 0))
class RulerROI(LineSegmentROI):
def paint(self, p, *args):
LineSegmentROI.paint(self, p, *args)
h1 = self.handles[0]['item'].pos()
h2 = self.handles[1]['item'].pos()
p1 = p.transform().map(h1)
p2 = p.transform().map(h2)
vec = Point(h2) - Point(h1)
length = vec.length()
angle = vec.angle(Point(1, 0))
pvec = p2 - p1
pvecT = Point(pvec.y(), -pvec.x())
pos = 0.5 * (p1 + p2) + pvecT * 40 / pvecT.length()
txt = fn.siFormat(length, suffix='m') + '\n%0.1f deg' % angle
p.drawText(QtCore.QRectF(pos.x()-50, pos.y()-50, 100, 100), QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, txt)
def boundingRect(self):
r = LineSegmentROI.boundingRect(self)
pxl = self.pixelLength(Point([1, 0]))
if pxl is None:
return r
pxw = 50 * pxl
return r.adjusted(-50, -50, 50, 50)
class TriangleROI(ROI):
Equilateral triangle ROI subclass with one scale handle and one rotation handle.
pos (length-2 sequence) The position of the ROI's origin.
size (float) The length of an edge of the triangle.
\**args All extra keyword arguments are passed to ROI()
============== =============================================================
def __init__(self, pos, size, **args):
ROI.__init__(self, pos, [size, size], **args)
self.aspectLocked = True
angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 4 / 3, 3)
verticies = (np.array((np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles))).T + 1.0) / 2.0
self.poly = QtGui.QPolygonF()
for pt in verticies:
self.addRotateHandle(verticies[0], [0.5, 0.5])
self.addScaleHandle(verticies[1], [0.5, 0.5])
def paint(self, p, *args):
r = self.boundingRect()
p.scale(r.width(), r.height())
def shape(self):
self.path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
r = self.boundingRect()
# scale the path to match whats on the screen
t = QtGui.QTransform()
t.scale(r.width(), r.height())
def getArrayRegion(self, *args, **kwds):
return self._getArrayRegionForArbitraryShape(*args, **kwds)