Luke Campagnola d1fdbadd19 Multiprocessing updates / fixes:
- ForkedProcess is much more careful with inherited state -- closes file handles, removes atexit and excepthook callbacks
   - Remote processes copy sys.path from parent
   - Parallelizer has ProgressDialog support
   - Many docstring updates
   - Added some test code for remote GraphicsView rendering
2012-06-21 22:00:04 -04:00

272 lines
9.2 KiB

import os, sys, time, multiprocessing
from processes import ForkedProcess
from remoteproxy import ExitError
class CanceledError(Exception):
"""Raised when the progress dialog is canceled during a processing operation."""
class Parallelize:
Class for ultra-simple inline parallelization on multi-core CPUs
## Here is the serial (single-process) task:
tasks = [1, 2, 4, 8]
results = []
for task in tasks:
result = processTask(task)
print results
## Here is the parallelized version:
tasks = [1, 2, 4, 8]
results = []
with Parallelize(tasks, workers=4, results=results) as tasker:
for task in tasker:
result = processTask(task)
print results
The only major caveat is that *result* in the example above must be picklable,
since it is automatically sent via pipe back to the parent process.
def __init__(self, tasks, workers=None, block=True, progressDialog=None, **kwds):
=============== ===================================================================
tasks list of objects to be processed (Parallelize will determine how to
distribute the tasks)
workers number of worker processes or None to use number of CPUs in the
progressDialog optional dict of arguments for ProgressDialog
to update while tasks are processed
kwds objects to be shared by proxy with child processes (they will
appear as attributes of the tasker)
=============== ===================================================================
## Generate progress dialog.
## Note that we want to avoid letting forked child processes play with progress dialogs..
self.showProgress = False
if progressDialog is not None:
self.showProgress = True
if isinstance(progressDialog, basestring):
progressDialog = {'labelText': progressDialog}
import pyqtgraph as pg
self.progressDlg = pg.ProgressDialog(**progressDialog)
if workers is None:
workers = self.suggestedWorkerCount()
if not hasattr(os, 'fork'):
workers = 1
self.workers = workers
self.tasks = list(tasks)
self.kwds = kwds.copy()
self.kwds['_taskStarted'] = self._taskStarted
def __enter__(self):
self.proc = None
if self.workers == 1:
return self.runSerial()
return self.runParallel()
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
if self.proc is not None: ## worker
if exc_info[0] is not None:
#print os.getpid(), 'exit'
else: ## parent
if self.showProgress:
self.progressDlg.__exit__(None, None, None)
def runSerial(self):
if self.showProgress:
self.progress = {os.getpid(): []}
return Tasker(None, self.tasks, self.kwds)
def runParallel(self):
self.childs = []
## break up tasks into one set per worker
workers = self.workers
chunks = [[] for i in xrange(workers)]
i = 0
for i in range(len(self.tasks)):
## fork and assign tasks to each worker
for i in range(workers):
proc = ForkedProcess(target=None, preProxy=self.kwds)
if not proc.isParent:
self.proc = proc
return Tasker(proc, chunks[i], proc.forkedProxies)
## Keep track of the progress of each worker independently.
self.progress = {ch.childPid: [] for ch in self.childs}
## for each child process, self.progress[pid] is a list
## of task indexes. The last index is the task currently being
## processed; all others are finished.
if self.showProgress:
## process events from workers until all have exited.
activeChilds = self.childs[:]
pollInterval = 0.01
while len(activeChilds) > 0:
waitingChildren = 0
rem = []
for ch in activeChilds:
n = ch.processRequests()
if n > 0:
waitingChildren += 1
except ExitError:
#print ch.childPid, 'process finished'
if self.showProgress:
self.progressDlg += 1
#print "remove:", [ch.childPid for ch in rem]
for ch in rem:
os.waitpid(ch.childPid, 0)
#print [ch.childPid for ch in activeChilds]
if self.showProgress and self.progressDlg.wasCanceled():
for ch in activeChilds:
raise CanceledError()
## adjust polling interval--prefer to get exactly 1 event per poll cycle.
if waitingChildren > 1:
pollInterval *= 0.7
elif waitingChildren == 0:
pollInterval /= 0.7
pollInterval = max(min(pollInterval, 0.5), 0.0005) ## but keep it within reasonable limits
if self.showProgress:
self.progressDlg.__exit__(None, None, None)
return [] ## no tasks for parent process.
def suggestedWorkerCount():
return multiprocessing.cpu_count() ## is this really the best option?
def _taskStarted(self, pid, i, **kwds):
## called remotely by tasker to indicate it has started working on task i
#print pid, 'reported starting task', i
if self.showProgress:
if len(self.progress[pid]) > 0:
self.progressDlg += 1
if pid == os.getpid(): ## single-worker process
if self.progressDlg.wasCanceled():
raise CanceledError()
class Tasker:
def __init__(self, proc, tasks, kwds):
self.proc = proc
self.tasks = tasks
for k, v in kwds.iteritems():
setattr(self, k, v)
def __iter__(self):
## we could fix this up such that tasks are retrieved from the parent process one at a time..
for i, task in enumerate(self.tasks):
self.index = i
#print os.getpid(), 'starting task', i
self._taskStarted(os.getpid(), i, _callSync='off')
yield task
if self.proc is not None:
#print os.getpid(), 'no more tasks'
#class Parallelizer:
#p = Parallelizer()
#with p(4) as i:
#print p.results()
#def __init__(self):
#def __call__(self, n):
#self.replies = []
#self.conn = None ## indicates this is the parent process
#return Session(self, n)
#def finish(self, data):
#if self.conn is None:
#self.replies.append((self.i, data))
##print "send", self.i, data
#self.conn.send((self.i, data))
#def result(self):
#print self.replies
#class Session:
#def __init__(self, par, n):
#self.par = par
#self.n = n
#def __enter__(self):
#self.childs = []
#for i in range(1, self.n):
#c1, c2 = multiprocessing.Pipe()
#pid = os.fork()
#if pid == 0: ## child
#self.par.i = i
#self.par.conn = c2
#self.childs = None
#return i
#self.par.i = 0
#return 0
#def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
#if exc_info[0] is not None:
#if self.childs is not None:
#self.par.replies.extend([conn.recv() for conn in self.childs])