
310 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// -*- C++ -*-
* \file GuiView.h
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Lars Gullik Bjornes
* \author John Levon
* \author Abdelrazak Younes
* \author Peter K<EFBFBD>mmel
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#ifndef GUI_VIEW_H
#define GUI_VIEW_H
#include "frontends/Delegates.h"
#include "frontends/LyXView.h"
#include "support/strfwd.h"
#include <QMainWindow>
class QCloseEvent;
class QDragEnterEvent;
class QDropEvent;
class QMenu;
class QShowEvent;
namespace lyx {
class Cursor;
namespace frontend {
class Dialog;
class GuiLayoutBox;
class GuiToolbar;
class GuiWorkArea;
class TabWorkArea;
class TocModels;
class ToolbarInfo;
* GuiView - Qt4 implementation of LyXView
* qt4-private implementation of the main LyX window.
* Note: a QObject emits a destroyed(QObject *) Qt signal when it
* is deleted. This might be useful for closing other dialogs
* depending on a given GuiView.
class GuiView : public QMainWindow, public LyXView, public GuiBufferViewDelegate,
public GuiBufferDelegate
/// create a main window of the given dimensions
GuiView(int id);
int id() const { return id_; }
void setFocus();
void setBusy(bool);
/// returns true if this view has the focus.
bool hasFocus() const;
/// add toolbar, if newline==true, add a toolbar break before the toolbar
GuiToolbar * makeToolbar(ToolbarInfo const & tbinfo, bool newline);
virtual void updateStatusBar();
virtual void message(docstring const & str);
/// updates the possible layouts selectable
void updateLayoutList();
void updateToolbars();
QMenu * createPopupMenu();
bool getStatus(FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & flag);
bool dispatch(FuncRequest const & cmd);
void setLayoutDialog(GuiLayoutBox *);
/// \return the buffer currently shown in this window
Buffer * buffer();
Buffer const * buffer() const;
/// set a buffer to the current workarea.
void setBuffer(Buffer * b); ///< \c Buffer to set.
bool closeBuffer();
/// load a document into the current workarea.
Buffer * loadDocument(support::FileName const & name, ///< File to load.
bool tolastfiles = true); ///< append to the "Open recent" menu?
void openDocument(std::string const & filename);
void importDocument(std::string const &);
void newDocument(std::string const & filename, bool fromTemplate);
/// GuiBufferDelegate.
void resetAutosaveTimers();
void errors(std::string const &);
void structureChanged();
TocModels & tocModels();
/// called on timeout
void autoSave();
/// \return the current buffer view.
BufferView * view();
/** redraw \c inset in all the BufferViews in which it is currently
* visible. If successful return a pointer to the owning Buffer.
Buffer const * updateInset(Inset const *);
void restartCursor();
/// \return the \c Workarea associated to \p Buffer
/// \retval 0 if no \c WorkArea is found.
GuiWorkArea * workArea(Buffer & buffer);
/// Add a \c WorkArea
/// \return the \c Workarea associated to \p Buffer
/// \retval 0 if no \c WorkArea is found.
GuiWorkArea * addWorkArea(Buffer & buffer);
void setCurrentWorkArea(GuiWorkArea * work_area);
void removeWorkArea(GuiWorkArea * work_area);
/// return the current WorkArea (the one that has the focus).
GuiWorkArea const * currentWorkArea() const;
void closing(int);
public Q_SLOTS:
/// idle timeout.
/// clear any temporary message and replace with current status.
void clearMessage();
private Q_SLOTS:
void updateWindowTitle(GuiWorkArea * wa);
void on_currentWorkAreaChanged(GuiWorkArea *);
void on_lastWorkAreaRemoved();
/// slots to change the icon size
void smallSizedIcons();
void normalSizedIcons();
void bigSizedIcons();
TabWorkArea * addTabWorkArea();
/// connect to signals in the given BufferView
void connectBufferView(BufferView & bv);
/// disconnect from signals in the given BufferView
void disconnectBufferView();
/// connect to signals in the given buffer
void connectBuffer(Buffer & buf);
/// disconnect from signals in the given buffer
void disconnectBuffer();
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent * ev);
void dropEvent(QDropEvent * ev);
/// make sure we quit cleanly
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e);
void showEvent(QShowEvent *);
/// in order to catch Tab key press.
bool event(QEvent * e);
bool focusNextPrevChild(bool);
struct GuiViewPrivate;
GuiViewPrivate & d;
/// dialogs for this view
void resetDialogs();
/// Hide all visible dialogs
void hideAll() const;
/// Update all visible dialogs.
* Check the status of all visible dialogs and disable or reenable
* them as appropriate.
* Disabling is needed for example when a dialog is open and the
* cursor moves to a position where the corresponding inset is not
* allowed.
void updateDialogs();
/** \param name == "bibtex", "citation" etc; an identifier used to
launch a particular dialog.
\param data is a string representation of the Inset contents.
It is often little more than the output from Inset::write.
It is passed to, and parsed by, the frontend dialog.
Several of these dialogs do not need any data,
so it defaults to string().
\param inset ownership is _not_ passed to the frontend dialog.
It is stored internally and used by the kernel to ascertain
what to do with the FuncRequest dispatched from the frontend
dialog on 'Apply'; should it be used to create a new inset at
the current cursor position or modify an existing, 'open' inset?
void showDialog(std::string const & name,
std::string const & data, Inset * inset = 0);
/** \param name == "citation", "bibtex" etc; an identifier used
to reset the contents of a particular dialog with \param data.
See the comments to 'show', above.
void updateDialog(std::string const & name, std::string const & data);
/** All Dialogs of the given \param name will be closed if they are
connected to the given \param inset.
void hideDialog(std::string const & name, Inset * inset);
void disconnectDialog(std::string const & name);
void updateCompletion(Cursor & cur, bool start, bool keep);
void saveLayout() const;
bool restoreLayout();
GuiToolbar * toolbar(std::string const & name);
void constructToolbars();
void initToolbars();
void lfunUiToggle(FuncRequest const & cmd);
void toggleFullScreen();
void insertLyXFile(docstring const & fname);
void insertPlaintextFile(docstring const & fname,
bool asParagraph);
/// Save a buffer as a new file.
Write a buffer to a new file name and rename the buffer
according to the new file name.
This function is e.g. used by menu callbacks and
If 'newname' is empty, the user is asked via a
dialog for the buffer's new name and location.
If 'newname' is non-empty and has an absolute path, that is used.
Otherwise the base directory of the buffer is used as the base
for any relative path in 'newname'.
bool renameBuffer(Buffer & b, docstring const & newname);
bool saveBuffer(Buffer & b);
bool closeBuffer(Buffer & buf, bool tolastopened = false);
Inset * getOpenInset(std::string const & name) const;
/// Is the dialog currently visible?
bool isDialogVisible(std::string const & name) const;
Dialog * find_or_build(std::string const & name);
Dialog * build(std::string const & name);
/// This view ID.
int id_;
/// flag to avoid two concurrent close events.
bool closing_;
} // namespace frontend
} // namespace lyx
#endif // GUIVIEW_H