
292 lines
5.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <config.h>
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include "math_scriptinset.h"
#include "math_support.h"
#include "frontends/Painter.h"
#include "textpainter.h"
#include "debug.h"
using std::max;
using std::min;
using std::abs;
extern MathScriptInset const * asScript(MathArray::const_iterator it);
: width_(0), ascent_(0), descent_(0), xo_(0), yo_(0), size_(),
clean_(false), drawn_(false)
void MathXArray::touch() const
clean_ = false;
drawn_ = false;
void MathXArray::metrics(MathMetricsInfo & mi) const
//if (clean_)
// return;
size_ = mi;
clean_ = true;
drawn_ = false;
if (data_.empty()) {
mathed_char_dim(mi.base.font, 'I', ascent_, descent_, width_);
ascent_ = 0;
descent_ = 0;
width_ = 0;
for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) {
MathInset const * p = it->nucleus();
MathScriptInset const * q = (it + 1 == end()) ? 0 : asScript(it);
if (q) {
q->metrics(p, mi);
ascent_ = max(ascent_, q->ascent2(p));
descent_ = max(descent_, q->descent2(p));
width_ += q->width2(p);
} else {
ascent_ = max(ascent_, p->ascent());
descent_ = max(descent_, p->descent());
width_ += p->width();
//lyxerr << "MathXArray::metrics(): '" << ascent_ << " "
// << descent_ << " " << width_ << "'\n";
void MathXArray::draw(MathPainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
//if (drawn_ && x == xo_ && y == yo_)
// return;
//lyxerr << "x: " << x << " y: " << y << " " << pain.workAreaHeight() << endl;
xo_ = x;
yo_ = y;
drawn_ = true;
if (y + descent_ <= 0) // don't draw above the workarea
if (y - ascent_ >= pi.pain.paperHeight()) // don't draw below the workarea
if (x + width_ <= 0) // don't draw left of workarea
if (x >= pi.pain.paperWidth()) // don't draw right of workarea
const_iterator it = begin(), et = end();
if (it == et) {
pi.pain.rectangle(x, y - ascent_, width_, height(), LColor::mathline);
for (; it != et; ++it) {
MathInset const * p = it->nucleus();
MathScriptInset const * q = (it + 1 == et) ? 0 : asScript(it);
if (q) {
q->draw(p, pi, x, y);
x += q->width2(p);
} else {
p->draw(pi, x, y);
x += p->width();
void MathXArray::metricsT(TextMetricsInfo const & mi) const
//if (clean_)
// return;
ascent_ = 0;
descent_ = 0;
width_ = 0;
for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) {
MathInset const * p = it->nucleus();
MathScriptInset const * q = (it + 1 == end()) ? 0 : asScript(it);
if (q) {
q->metricsT(p, mi);
ascent_ = max(ascent_, q->ascent2(p));
descent_ = max(descent_, q->descent2(p));
width_ += q->width2(p);
} else {
ascent_ = max(ascent_, p->ascent());
descent_ = max(descent_, p->descent());
width_ += p->width();
void MathXArray::drawT(TextPainter & pain, int x, int y) const
//if (drawn_ && x == xo_ && y == yo_)
// return;
//lyxerr << "x: " << x << " y: " << y << " " << pain.workAreaHeight() << endl;
xo_ = x;
yo_ = y;
drawn_ = true;
const_iterator it = begin(), et = end();
for (; it != et; ++it) {
MathInset const * p = it->nucleus();
MathScriptInset const * q = (it + 1 == et) ? 0 : asScript(it);
if (q) {
q->drawT(p, pain, x, y);
x += q->width2(p);
} else {
p->drawT(pain, x, y);
x += p->width();
int MathXArray::pos2x(size_type targetpos) const
int x = 0;
const_iterator target = min(begin() + targetpos, end());
for (const_iterator it = begin(); it < target; ++it) {
MathInset const * p = it->nucleus();
MathScriptInset const * q = (it + 1 == end()) ? 0 : asScript(it);
if (q) {
if (it < target)
x += q->width2(p);
else // "half" position
x += q->dxx(p) + q->nwid(p);
} else
x += p->width();
return x;
MathArray::size_type MathXArray::x2pos(int targetx) const
const_iterator it = begin();
int lastx = 0;
int currx = 0;
for (; currx < targetx && it < end(); ++it) {
lastx = currx;
int wid = 0;
MathInset const * p = it->nucleus();
MathScriptInset const * q = 0;
if (it + 1 != end())
q = asScript(it);
if (q) {
wid = q->width2(p);
} else
wid = p->width();
currx += wid;
if (abs(lastx - targetx) < abs(currx - targetx) && it != begin())
return it - begin();
int MathXArray::dist(int x, int y) const
int xx = 0;
int yy = 0;
if (x < xo_)
xx = xo_ - x;
else if (x > xo_ + width_)
xx = x - xo_ - width_;
if (y < yo_ - ascent_)
yy = yo_ - ascent_ - y;
else if (y > yo_ + descent_)
yy = y - yo_ - descent_;
return xx + yy;
void MathXArray::boundingBox(int & x1, int & x2, int & y1, int & y2)
x1 = xo_;
x2 = xo_ + width_;
y1 = yo_ - ascent_;
y2 = yo_ + descent_;
void MathXArray::findPos(MathPosFinder & f) const
double x = xo_;
double y = yo_;
for (const_iterator it = begin(); it < end(); ++it) {
// check this position in the cell first
f.visit(x, y);
// check inset
MathInset const * p = it->nucleus();
// move on
MathScriptInset const * q = (it + 1 == end()) ? 0 : asScript(it);
if (q) {
x += q->width(p);
} else {
x += p->width();
void MathXArray::center(int & x, int & y) const
x = xo_ + width_ / 2;
y = yo_ + (descent_ - ascent_) / 2;
void MathXArray::towards(int & x, int & y) const
int cx = 0;
int cy = 0;
center(cx, cy);
double r = 1.0;
//int dist = (x - cx) * (x - cx) + (y - cy) * (y - cy);
x = cx + int(r * (x - cx));
y = cy + int(r * (y - cy));