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// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef MATH_GRID_H
#define MATH_GRID_H
#include "math_nestinset.h"
#include "vspace.h"
#include "LString.h"
/** Gridded math inset base class.
This is the base to all grid-like editable math objects
like array and eqnarray.
* \author Andr<EFBFBD> P<EFBFBD>nitz 2001
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS
class MathGridInset : public MathNestInset {
/// additional per-cell information
struct CellInfo {
/// a dummy cell before a multicolumn cell
int dummy_;
/// special multi colums alignment
string align_;
/// these should be a per-cell property, but ok to have it here
/// for single-column grids like paragraphs
mutable int glue_;
mutable pos_type begin_;
mutable pos_type end_;
/// additional per-row information
struct RowInfo {
int skipPixels() const;
/// cached descent
mutable int descent_;
/// cached ascent
mutable int ascent_;
/// cached offset
mutable int offset_;
/// how many hlines above this row?
int lines_;
/// parameter to the line break
LyXLength crskip_;
/// extra distance between lines
int skip_;
// additional per-row information
struct ColInfo {
/// currently possible: 'l', 'c', 'r'
char align_;
/// cache for drawing
int h_offset;
/// cached width
mutable int width_;
/// cached offset
mutable int offset_;
/// do we need a line to the left?
bool leftline_;
/// do we need a line to the right?
bool rightline_;
/// how many lines to the left of this column?
int lines_;
/// additional amount to be skipped when drawing
int skip_;
/// sets nrows and ncols to 1
/// constructor from columns description, creates one row
MathGridInset(char valign, string const & halign);
/// Note: columns first!
MathGridInset(col_type m, row_type n);
MathGridInset(col_type m, row_type n, char valign, string const & halign);
/// Ensures that the dialog is closed.
InsetBase * clone() const;
void metrics(MetricsInfo & mi) const;
void metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension &) const;
void draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const;
void metricsT(TextMetricsInfo const & mi, Dimension & dim) const;
void drawT(TextPainter & pi, int x, int y) const;
void halign(string const & align);
void halign(char c, col_type col);
char halign(col_type col) const;
string halign() const;
void valign(char c);
char valign() const;
void vcrskip(LyXLength const &, row_type row);
LyXLength vcrskip(row_type row) const;
void resize(short int type, col_type cols);
const RowInfo & rowinfo(row_type row) const;
/// returns topmost row if passed (-1)
RowInfo & rowinfo(row_type row);
const CellInfo & cellinfo(idx_type idx) const { return cellinfo_[idx]; }
CellInfo & cellinfo(idx_type idx) { return cellinfo_[idx]; }
/// identifies GridInset
MathGridInset * asGridInset() { return this; }
/// identifies GridInset
MathGridInset const * asGridInset() const { return this; }
/// local dispatcher
dispatch_result dispatch(FuncRequest const & cmd, idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos);
col_type ncols() const;
row_type nrows() const;
col_type col(idx_type idx) const;
row_type row(idx_type idx) const;
bool idxUpDown(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos, bool up, int targetx) const;
bool idxLeft(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
bool idxRight(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
bool idxFirst(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
bool idxLast(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
bool idxHome(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
bool idxEnd(idx_type & idx, pos_type & pos) const;
bool idxDelete(idx_type & idx);
/// pulls cell after pressing erase
void idxGlue(idx_type idx);
virtual void addRow(row_type r);
virtual void delRow(row_type r);
virtual void copyRow(row_type r);
virtual void swapRow(row_type r);
virtual void addCol(col_type c);
virtual void delCol(col_type c);
virtual void copyCol(col_type c);
virtual void swapCol(col_type c);
virtual void appendRow();
idx_type index(row_type r, col_type c) const;
bool idxBetween(idx_type idx, idx_type from, idx_type to) const;
virtual int defaultColSpace(col_type) { return 0; }
virtual char defaultColAlign(col_type) { return 'c'; }
void setDefaults();
virtual int colsep() const;
virtual int rowsep() const;
virtual int hlinesep() const;
virtual int vlinesep() const;
virtual int border() const;
void write(WriteStream & os) const;
void normalize(NormalStream &) const;
//void maple(MapleStream &) const;
void mathmlize(MathMLStream &) const;
//void octave(OctaveStream &) const;
/// returns x offset of cell compared to inset
int cellXOffset(idx_type idx) const;
/// returns y offset of cell compared to inset
int cellYOffset(idx_type idx) const;
/// returns proper 'end of line' code for LaTeX
virtual string eolString(row_type row, bool fragile = false) const;
/// returns proper 'end of column' code for LaTeX
virtual string eocString(col_type col, col_type lastcol) const;
/// extract number of columns from alignment string
col_type guessColumns(string const & halign) const;
/// splits cells and shifts right part to the next cell
void splitCell(idx_type &, pos_type & pos);
/// row info
std::vector<RowInfo> rowinfo_;
/// column info
std::vector<ColInfo> colinfo_;
/// cell info
std::vector<CellInfo> cellinfo_;
char v_align_; // add approp. type