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\begin_layout Title
\SpecialChar LyX
's detailed Figure, Table, Floats, Notes, Boxes and External Material manual
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Figure Floats
\begin_layout Standard
Normally only one image is inserted to a figure float, but sometimes you
might want to use two images with separate subcaptions.
This can be done by inserting image floats into existing image floats.
Note that only the main caption of the float is added to the List of Figures.
\begin_inset space ~
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:Two-distorted-images"
is an example of a figure float with two images set side by side.
You can also set the images one below the other.
\begin_inset space ~
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:Pink-object"
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:A-star"
are the subfigures.
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placement document
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LatexCommand label
name "fig:Pink-object"
Pink object.
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\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../../../lib/doc/clipart/3D-structure-distort.pdf
width 45col%
groupId distorted
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
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LatexCommand label
name "fig:A-star"
A star.
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filename ../../../lib/doc/clipart/Star-structure.pdf
width 45col%
groupId distorted
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\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:Two-distorted-images"
Two distorted images.
Both images are in the image settings group named
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