
114 lines
1.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// -*- C++ -*-
/* International support for LyX
#ifndef INTL_H
#define INTL_H
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#include <sigc++/signal_system.h>
#include "LString.h"
#include "form1.h"
#include "trans_mgr.h"
class LyXText;
class Combox;
using SigC::Object;
using SigC::Connection;
/// default character set
#define DEFCHSET "iso8859-1"
/** The gui part and the non gui part should be split into two different
classes. Probably should the gui class just have a pointer to the non
gui class.
class Intl : public Object {
/// show key mapping dialog
void MenuKeymap();
void KeyMapOn(bool on);
void KeyMapPrim();
void KeyMapSec();
/// turn on/off key mappings, status in keymapon
void ToggleKeyMap();
int SetPrimary(string const &);
int SetSecondary(string const &);
/// initialize key mapper
void InitKeyMapper(bool on);
// Get the Translation Manager
TransManager & getTrans();
bool keymapon;
bool primarykeymap;
char * chsetcode;
static void DispatchCallback(FL_OBJECT *, long);
/** Redraw the form (on receipt of a Signal indicating, for example,
that the xform colors have been re-mapped).
void redraw();
void update();
static void LCombo(int i, void *, Combox *); // callback
void Keymap(long code);
int curkeymap;
int otherkeymap;
FD_KeyMap * fd_form_keymap;
Combox * Language;
Combox * Language2;
string & prim_lang;
string & sec_lang;
TransManager trans;
/// Redraw connection.
Connection r_;
TransManager & Intl::getTrans()
return trans;