mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 05:16:21 +00:00
DocBook: add support for InsetInfo.
A similar patch would be required for LyXHTML, but it will come later. The main impact is that some text isn't output in XHTML (like DocBook before this patch). The code isn't as clean as it could be. I avoided touching anything not related to DocBook, as the release of 2.4 is nearing, while leaving comments for parts to improve for the next release cycle. Given that the code compiles, there are no risks for TeX or XHTML outputs; for DocBook, less content is skipped, which is a net improvement for users.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
#LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see https://www.lyx.org/
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\begin_layout Title
\begin_layout Standard
\lang spanish
Véase la
\emph on
\begin_inset Info
type "l7n"
arg "User's Guide|U"
\emph default
\emph on
\begin_inset Info
type "l7n"
arg "Additional Features|F"
\emph default
para más detalles.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This DocBook file was created by LyX 2.4.0~RC1.devel
See https://www.lyx.org/ for more information -->
<article xml:lang="en-US" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" version="5.2">
<title>Test: InsetInfo</title>
<para>Véase la <emphasis><phrase role="localized">User's Guide</phrase></emphasis> o <emphasis><phrase role="localized">Additional Features</phrase></emphasis> para más detalles.</para>
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "LyXRC.h"
#include "LyXVC.h"
#include "Lexer.h"
#include "output_docbook.h"
#include "Paragraph.h"
#include "ParIterator.h"
#include "ParagraphParameters.h"
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@
#include "support/Translator.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <tuple>
#include <QtGui/QImage>
#include <QDate>
@ -297,6 +299,7 @@ vector<pair<string,docstring>> InsetInfoParams::getArguments(Buffer const * buf,
// TODO: away from a release, use parseDate instead.
string const dt = split(name, '@');
QDate date;
if (itype == "moddate")
@ -327,6 +330,7 @@ vector<pair<string,docstring>> InsetInfoParams::getArguments(Buffer const * buf,
// TODO: away from a release, use parseTime instead.
string const tt = split(name, '@');
QTime time;
if (itype == "modtime")
@ -1002,6 +1006,7 @@ void InsetInfo::build()
case InsetInfoParams::PACKAGE_INFO:
// TODO: away from a release, replace with getPackageInfo.
// only need to do this once.
if (initialized_)
@ -1029,6 +1034,7 @@ void InsetInfo::build()
case InsetInfoParams::TEXTCLASS_INFO: {
// TODO: when away from a release, replace with getTextClassInfo.
// the TextClass can change
LayoutFileList const & list = LayoutFileList::get();
bool available = false;
@ -1097,6 +1103,7 @@ void InsetInfo::build()
case InsetInfoParams::L7N_INFO: {
// TODO: away from a release, use getNormalizedL7N instead.
docstring locstring = _(params_.name);
// Remove trailing colons
locstring = rtrim(locstring, ":");
@ -1161,6 +1168,7 @@ void InsetInfo::build()
case InsetInfoParams::BUFFER_INFO: {
// TODO: away from a release, replace by getBufferInfo.
// this could all change, so we will recalculate each time
if (params_.name == "name")
setText(from_utf8(buffer().fileName().onlyFileName()), params_.lang);
@ -1173,6 +1181,7 @@ void InsetInfo::build()
case InsetInfoParams::VCS_INFO: {
// TODO: away from a release, replace by getVCSInfo.
// this information could change, in principle, so we will
// recalculate each time through
if (!buffer().lyxvc().inUse()) {
@ -1214,6 +1223,7 @@ void InsetInfo::build()
case InsetInfoParams::DATE_INFO:
case InsetInfoParams::MODDATE_INFO:
case InsetInfoParams::FIXDATE_INFO: {
// TODO: away from a release, use parseDate instead.
string date_format = params_.name;
string const date_specifier = (params_.type == InsetInfoParams::FIXDATE_INFO
&& contains(params_.name, '@'))
@ -1235,6 +1245,7 @@ void InsetInfo::build()
case InsetInfoParams::TIME_INFO:
case InsetInfoParams::MODTIME_INFO:
case InsetInfoParams::FIXTIME_INFO: {
// TODO: away from a release, use parseTime instead.
string time_format = params_.name;
string const time_specifier = (params_.type == InsetInfoParams::FIXTIME_INFO
&& contains(params_.name, '@'))
@ -1280,5 +1291,539 @@ string InsetInfo::contextMenuName() const
return "context-info";
namespace {
// TODO: away from a release, use these functions in InsetInfo::build and InsetInfoParams::getArguments.
QDate parseDate(Buffer const & buffer, const InsetInfoParams & params) {
std::string date_format = params.name;
std::string const date_specifier = (params.type == InsetInfoParams::FIXDATE_INFO
&& contains(params.name, '@'))
? split(params.name, date_format, '@') : string();
if (params.type == InsetInfoParams::MODDATE_INFO)
return QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(buffer.fileName().lastModified()).date();
return QDateTime::fromTime_t(buffer.fileName().lastModified()).date();
else if (params.type == InsetInfoParams::FIXDATE_INFO && !date_specifier.empty()) {
QDate date = QDate::fromString(toqstr(date_specifier), Qt::ISODate);
return (date.isValid()) ? date : QDate::currentDate();
} else {
if (params.type != InsetInfoParams::DATE_INFO && params.type != InsetInfoParams::FIXDATE_INFO)
lyxerr << "Unexpected InsetInfoParams::info_type in parseDate: " << params.type;
return QDate::currentDate();
QTime parseTime(Buffer const & buffer, const InsetInfoParams & params) {
std::string time_format = params.name;
std::string const date_specifier = (params.type == InsetInfoParams::FIXTIME_INFO
&& contains(params.name, '@'))
? split(params.name, time_format, '@') : string();
if (params.type == InsetInfoParams::MODTIME_INFO)
return QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(buffer.fileName().lastModified()).time();
return QDateTime::fromTime_t(buffer.fileName().lastModified()).time();
else if (params.type == InsetInfoParams::FIXTIME_INFO && !date_specifier.empty()) {
QTime time = QTime::fromString(toqstr(date_specifier), Qt::ISODate);
return (time.isValid()) ? time : QTime::currentTime();
} else {
if (params.type != InsetInfoParams::TIME_INFO && params.type != InsetInfoParams::FIXTIME_INFO)
lyxerr << "Unexpected InsetInfoParams::info_type in parseTime: " << params.type;
return QTime::currentTime();
docstring getBufferInfo(Buffer const & buffer, const InsetInfoParams & params) {
if (params.name == "name")
return from_utf8(buffer.fileName().onlyFileName());
else if (params.name == "name-noext")
return from_utf8(buffer.fileName().onlyFileNameWithoutExt());
else if (params.name == "path")
return from_utf8(os::latex_path(buffer.filePath()));
else if (params.name == "class")
return from_utf8(buffer.params().documentClass().name());
else {
lyxerr << "Unexpected name for InsetInfoParams::BUFFER_INFO: " << params.name;
return from_ascii("");
docstring getVCSInfo(Buffer const & buffer, const InsetInfoParams & params) {
if (!buffer.lyxvc().inUse())
return _("No version control!");
LyXVC::RevisionInfo itype = LyXVC::Unknown;
if (params.name == "revision")
itype = LyXVC::File;
else if (params.name == "revision-abbrev")
itype = LyXVC::FileAbbrev;
else if (params.name == "tree-revision")
itype = LyXVC::Tree;
else if (params.name == "author")
itype = LyXVC::Author;
else if (params.name == "time")
itype = LyXVC::Time;
else if (params.name == "date")
itype = LyXVC::Date;
string binfo = buffer.lyxvc().revisionInfo(itype);
if (binfo.empty())
return from_ascii("VCS info unknown!");
return from_utf8(binfo);
docstring getPackageInfo(const InsetInfoParams & params) {
// check in packages.lst
bool available;
// we also allow version check with version separated by blank
if (contains(params.name, ' ')) {
string name;
string const version = split(params.name, name, ' ');
int const y = convert<int>(version.substr(0,4));
int const m = convert<int>(version.substr(4,2));
int const d = convert<int>(version.substr(6,2));
available = LaTeXFeatures::isAvailableAtLeastFrom(name, y, m, d);
} else
available = LaTeXFeatures::isAvailable(params.name);
return from_ascii(available ? "yes" : "no");
docstring getTextClassInfo(const InsetInfoParams & params) {
LayoutFileList const & list = LayoutFileList::get();
// params_.name is the class name
const bool available = list.haveClass(params.name) && list[params.name].isTeXClassAvailable();
return from_ascii(available ? "yes" : "no");
// With C++17, it would be better to have a std::string_view instead of const char *.
const static std::map<char_type, const char *> keyToString {
{0x21b5, "Return[[Key]]"}, // Return
{0x21b9, "Tab[[Key]]"}, // Tab both directions (Win)
{0x21de, "PgUp"}, // Qt::Key_PageUp
{0x21df, "PgDown"}, // Qt::Key_PageDown
{0x21e4, "Backtab"}, // Qt::Key_Backtab
{0x21e5, "Tab"}, // Qt::Key_Tab
{0x21e7, "Shift"}, // Shift
{0x21ea, "CapsLock"}, // Qt::Key_CapsLock
{0x2303, "Control[[Key]]"}, // Control
{0x2318, "Command[[Key]]"}, // CMD
{0x2324, "Return[[Key]]"}, // Qt::Key_Enter
{0x2325, "Option[[Key]]"}, // Option key
{0x2326, "Delete[[Key]]"}, // Qt::Key_Delete
{0x232b, "Fn+Del"}, // Qt::Key_Backspace
{0x238b, "Esc"}, // Qt::Key_Escape
bool canTranslateKeySequence(const InsetInfoParams & params, const docstring & sequence,
const docstring & seq_untranslated) {
bool is_translated = sequence != seq_untranslated;
std::string const lcode = params.lang->code();
docstring trans;
for (char_type const c : sequence) {
const auto keyMapping = keyToString.find(c);
if (keyMapping != keyToString.end()) {
is_translated = translateString(from_ascii(keyMapping->second), trans, lcode);
return is_translated;
void docbookShortcutInfo(XMLStream & xs, const InsetInfoParams & params) {
// Usually, a keyboard shortcut should be encoded as db:shortcut. However, this element doesn't accept text, hence
// the use of db:accel for error cases (not the right semantics, though).
std::string attr;
if (params.type == InsetInfoParams::SHORTCUTS_INFO)
attr = R"(role="shorcuts")";
else if (params.type == InsetInfoParams::SHORTCUT_INFO)
attr = R"(role="shortcut")";
else {
// Only check for this assertion that exits this function.
lyxerr << "Assertion failed! InsetInfoParams::info_type: " << params.type;
// shortcuts can change, so we need to re-do this each time
FuncRequest const func = lyxaction.lookupFunc(params.name);
if (func.action() == LFUN_UNKNOWN_ACTION) {
xml::openTag(xs, "accel", attr, "inline");
xs << _("Unknown action %1$s");
xml::closeTag(xs, "accel", "inline");
KeyMap::Bindings bindings = theTopLevelKeymap().findBindings(func);
if (bindings.empty()) {
xml::openTag(xs, "accel", attr, "inline");
xs << _("undefined");
xml::closeTag(xs, "accel", "inline");
docstring sequence;
docstring seq_untranslated;
if (params.type == InsetInfoParams::SHORTCUT_INFO) {
sequence = bindings.begin()->print(KeySequence::ForGui);
seq_untranslated = bindings.begin()->print(KeySequence::ForGui, true);
} else if (params.type == InsetInfoParams::SHORTCUTS_INFO) {
sequence = theTopLevelKeymap().printBindings(func, KeySequence::ForGui);
seq_untranslated = theTopLevelKeymap().printBindings(func, KeySequence::ForGui, true);
// No other possible case.
Language const * tryguilang = languages.getFromCode(Messages::guiLanguage());
// Some info insets use the language of the GUI (if available)
Language const * guilang = tryguilang ? tryguilang : params.lang;
const bool isTranslated = canTranslateKeySequence(params, sequence, seq_untranslated);
const bool isLtr = !isTranslated || (!guilang->rightToLeft() && !params.lang->rightToLeft());
attr += std::string(" dir=\"") + (isLtr ? "ltr" : "rtl") + "\"";
attr += " action=\"simul\"";
xml::openTag(xs, "shortcut", attr, "inline");
xml::openTag(xs, "keycombo", "", "inline");
// QKeySequence returns special characters for keys on the mac
// Since these are not included in many fonts, we
// re-translate them to textual names (see #10641)
odocstringstream ods;
string const lcode = params.lang->code();
docstring trans;
for (char_type const c : sequence) {
const auto keyMapping = keyToString.find(c);
if (keyMapping != keyToString.end()) {
translateString(from_ascii(keyMapping->second), trans, lcode);
// db:keysym: symbolic name (like Page Up), unlike what is printed on the key (like
// ⇞, ↑, ▲, PgUp, Page Up, etc.)
xml::openTag(xs, "keysym", "", "inline");
xs << trans;
xml::closeTag(xs, "keysym", "inline");
} else {
// db:keycap: this is not a special key, c is really what is printed on the key.
xml::openTag(xs, "keycap", "", "inline");
xs << c;
xml::closeTag(xs, "keycap", "inline");
xml::closeTag(xs, "keycombo", "inline");
xml::closeTag(xs, "shortcut", "inline");
docstring getLyxRCInfo(const InsetInfoParams & params) {
if (params.name.empty())
return _("undefined");
// this information could change, if the preferences are changed,
// so we will recalculate each time through.
// FIXME this uses the serialization mechanism to get the info
// we want, which i guess works but is a bit strange.
ostringstream oss;
lyxrc.write(oss, true, params.name);
string result = oss.str();
if (result.size() < 2) {
return _("undefined");
string::size_type loc = result.rfind('\n', result.size() - 2);
loc = loc == string::npos ? 0 : loc + 1;
if (result.size() < loc + params.name.size() + 1
|| result.substr(loc + 1, params.name.size()) != params.name) {
return _("undefined");
// remove leading comments and \\name and space
result = result.substr(loc + params.name.size() + 2);
// remove \n and ""
result = rtrim(result, "\n");
result = trim(result, "\"");
if (result.empty())
return from_ascii("not set");
return from_utf8(result);
void docbookMenuInfo(XMLStream & xs, Buffer const & buffer, const InsetInfoParams & params) {
docstring_list names;
FuncRequest func = lyxaction.lookupFunc(params.name);
if (func.action() == LFUN_UNKNOWN_ACTION) {
xml::openTag(xs, "guimenuitem", "", "inline");
xs << _("Unknown action %1$s");
xml::closeTag(xs, "guimenuitem", "inline");
if (func.action() == LFUN_BUFFER_VIEW || func.action() == LFUN_BUFFER_UPDATE) {
// The default output format is in the menu without argument,
// so strip it here.
if (func.argument() == from_ascii(buffer.params().getDefaultOutputFormat()))
func = FuncRequest(func.action());
// iterate through the menubackend to find it
if (!theApp()) {
xml::openTag(xs, "guimenuitem", "", "inline");
xs << _("Can't determine menu entry for action %1$s in batch mode");
xml::closeTag(xs, "guimenuitem", "inline");
// and we will not keep trying if we fail
if (!theApp()->searchMenu(func, names)) {
xml::openTag(xs, "guimenuitem", "", "inline");
xs << _("No menu entry for action %1$s");
xml::closeTag(xs, "guimenuitem", "inline");
// if found, return its path.
Language const * tryguilang = languages.getFromCode(Messages::guiLanguage());
// Some info insets use the language of the GUI (if available)
Language const * guilang = tryguilang ? tryguilang : params.lang;
const bool isLtr = !guilang->rightToLeft();
const std::string attr = std::string("dir=\"") + (isLtr ? "ltr" : "rtl") + "\"";
xml::openTag(xs, "menuchoice", attr, "inline"); // More of an inline tag in this case, as there is no db:shortcut to
// accompany the succession of menus.
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) {
docstring const & name = names[i];
std::string tag;
if (i == 0) {
tag = "guimenu";
} else if (i == names.size() - 1) {
tag = "guimenuitem";
} else {
tag = "guisubmenu";
xml::openTag(xs, tag, "", "inline");
//FIXME: add proper underlines here. This
// involves rewriting searchMenu used above to
// return a vector of menus. If we do not do
// that, we might as well use below
// Paragraph::insert on each string (JMarc)
// TODO: for DocBook, underlining corresponds to adding db:accel around the letter to underline.
xs << name;
xml::closeTag(xs, tag, "inline");
xml::closeTag(xs, "menuchoice", "inline");
void docbookIconInfo(XMLStream & xs, const OutputParams & rp, Buffer * buffer, const InsetInfoParams & params) {
FuncRequest func = lyxaction.lookupFunc(params.name);
docstring icon_name = frontend::Application::iconName(func, true);
FileName file(to_utf8(icon_name));
if (file.onlyFileNameWithoutExt() == "unknown") {
std::string dir = "images";
FileName file2(imageLibFileSearch(dir, params.name, "svgz,png"));
if (!file2.empty())
file = file2;
if (!file.exists())
int percent_scale = 100;
if (use_gui) {
// Compute the scale factor for the icon such that its
// width on screen is equal to 1em in pixels.
// The scale factor is rounded to the integer nearest
// to the float value of the ratio 100*iconsize/imgsize.
int imgsize = QImage(toqstr(file.absFileName())).width();
if (imgsize > 0) {
int iconsize = Length(1, Length::EM).inPixels(1);
percent_scale = (100 * iconsize + imgsize / 2) / imgsize;
InsetGraphicsTight * inset = new InsetGraphicsTight(buffer);
InsetGraphicsParams igp;
igp.filename = file;
igp.lyxscale = percent_scale;
igp.scale = string();
igp.width = Length(1, Length::EM);
if (contains(file.absoluteFilePath(), from_ascii("math"))
|| contains(file.absoluteFilePath(), from_ascii("ert-insert"))
|| suffixIs(file.onlyPath().absoluteFilePath(), from_ascii("ipa")))
igp.darkModeSensitive = true;
xml::openTag(xs, "guiicon", "", "inline");
inset->docbook(xs, rp);
xml::closeTag(xs, "guiicon", "inline");
docstring getLyXInfo(const InsetInfoParams & params) {
if (params.name == "version")
return from_ascii(lyx_version);
else if (params.name == "layoutformat")
return convert<docstring>(LAYOUT_FORMAT);
else {
lyxerr << "Unexpected name for InsetInfoParams::BUFFER_INFO: " << params.name;
return from_ascii("");
docstring getNormalizedL7N(const InsetInfoParams & params) {
docstring locstring = _(params.name);
// Remove trailing colons
locstring = rtrim(locstring, ":");
// Remove menu accelerators
if (contains(locstring, from_ascii("|"))) {
docstring nlocstring;
rsplit(locstring, nlocstring, '|');
locstring = nlocstring;
// Remove Qt accelerators, but keep literal ampersands
locstring = subst(locstring, from_ascii(" & "), from_ascii("</amp;>"));
locstring = subst(locstring, from_ascii("&"), docstring());
locstring = subst(locstring, from_ascii("</amp;>"), from_ascii(" & "));
return locstring;
} // namespace
void InsetInfo::docbook(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & rp) const
// TODO: away from a release, merge some of this code with InsetInfo::build and InsetInfoParams::getArguments.
switch (params_.type) {
case InsetInfoParams::DATE_INFO:
case InsetInfoParams::MODDATE_INFO:
case InsetInfoParams::FIXDATE_INFO: {
std::string role;
switch (params_.type) {
case InsetInfoParams::DATE_INFO:
role = "current-date";
case InsetInfoParams::MODDATE_INFO:
role = "last-modification-date";
case InsetInfoParams::FIXDATE_INFO:
role = "fix-date";
lyxerr << "Assertion failed! InsetInfoParams::info_type: " << params().type;
xml::openTag(xs, "date", "role=\"" + role + "\"", "inline");
xs << qstring_to_ucs4(parseDate(buffer(), params_).toString(Qt::ISODate));
xml::closeTag(xs, "date", "inline");
case InsetInfoParams::TIME_INFO:
case InsetInfoParams::MODTIME_INFO:
case InsetInfoParams::FIXTIME_INFO: {
std::string role;
switch (params_.type) {
case InsetInfoParams::TIME_INFO:
role = "current-time";
case InsetInfoParams::MODTIME_INFO:
role = "last-modification-time";
case InsetInfoParams::FIXTIME_INFO:
role = "fix-time";
lyxerr << "Assertion failed! InsetInfoParams::info_type: " << params().type;
// DocBook has no specific element for time, so use a date.
xml::openTag(xs, "date", "(role=\"" + role + "\"", "inline");
xs << qstring_to_ucs4(parseTime(buffer(), params_).toString(Qt::ISODate));
xml::closeTag(xs, "date", "inline");
case InsetInfoParams::BUFFER_INFO:
xml::openTag(xs, "phrase", "role=\"buffer-info " + params_.name + "\"", "inline");
xs << getBufferInfo(buffer(), params_);
xml::closeTag(xs, "phrase", "inline");
case InsetInfoParams::VCS_INFO:
xml::openTag(xs, "phrase", "role=\"vcs-info " + params_.name + "\"", "inline");
xs << getVCSInfo(buffer(), params_);
xml::closeTag(xs, "phrase", "inline");
case InsetInfoParams::PACKAGE_INFO:
xml::openTag(xs, "phrase", "role=\"package-availability " + params_.name + "\"", "inline");
xs << getPackageInfo(params_);
xml::closeTag(xs, "phrase", "inline");
case InsetInfoParams::TEXTCLASS_INFO:
xml::openTag(xs, "phrase", "role=\"textclass-availability " + params_.name + "\"", "inline");
xs << getTextClassInfo(params_);
xml::closeTag(xs, "phrase", "inline");
case InsetInfoParams::SHORTCUTS_INFO:
case InsetInfoParams::SHORTCUT_INFO:
docbookShortcutInfo(xs, params_);
case InsetInfoParams::LYXRC_INFO:
xml::openTag(xs, "phrase", "role=\"lyxrc-entry " + params_.name + "\"", "inline");
xs << getLyxRCInfo(params_);
xml::closeTag(xs, "phrase", "inline");
case InsetInfoParams::MENU_INFO:
docbookMenuInfo(xs, buffer(), params_);
case InsetInfoParams::ICON_INFO:
docbookIconInfo(xs, rp, buffer_, params_);
case InsetInfoParams::LYX_INFO:
xml::openTag(xs, "phrase", "role=\"lyx-info " + params_.name + "\"", "inline");
xs << getLyXInfo(params_);
xml::closeTag(xs, "phrase", "inline");
case InsetInfoParams::L7N_INFO:
// TODO: add "its:translate="no"" in the attributes if ITS is globally enabled for LyX (quite rare to have ITS
// for DocBook documents).
xml::openTag(xs, "phrase", R"(role="localized")", "inline");
xs << getNormalizedL7N(params_);
xml::closeTag(xs, "phrase", "inline");
case InsetInfoParams::UNKNOWN_INFO:
xml::openTag(xs, "phrase", R"(role="unknown")", "inline");
xs << from_ascii("Unknown Info!");
xml::closeTag(xs, "phrase", "inline");
lyxerr << "Unrecognised InsetInfoParams::info_type: " << params().type;
xml::openTag(xs, "phrase", R"(role="unrecognized")", "inline");
xs << from_ascii("Unrecognized Info!");
xml::closeTag(xs, "phrase", "inline");
} // namespace lyx
@ -220,6 +220,8 @@ public:
void validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const override;
InsetInfoParams params() const { return params_; }
/// Outputs the inset as DocBook, taking advantage of the metadata available in InsetInfoParams.
void docbook(XMLStream &, OutputParams const &) const override;
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