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synced 2024-12-22 13:18:28 +00:00
DocBook: ensure to have paragraphs in <sidebar>.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
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\begin_layout Title
Additional \SpecialChar LyX
\begin_layout Chapter
\begin_layout Section
Cross-References Between Files
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
This section is somewhat out of date.
Need to describe default master documents and how children are opened when
the master is.
\begin_layout Standard
It is possible to set up cross-references between the different files.
First, open all the files in question: let's call them A and B in a two
file example, where B is included in A.
Let's say you insert a label in A, then want to reference it in B.
Open the cross-reference dialog whilst in document B, and you can select
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
to use.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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See http://www.lyx.org/ for more information -->
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<title>Additional LyX Features</title>
<title>Cross-References Between Files</title>
<sidebar role='shadowbox'>
<para>This section is somewhat out of date. Need to describe default master documents and how children are opened when the master is. [[FIXME]]</para>
<para>It is possible to set up cross-references between the different files. First, open all the files in question: let's call them A and B in a two file example, where B is included in A. Let's say you insert a label in A, then want to reference it in B. Open the cross-reference dialog whilst in document B, and you can select the “buffer” to use.</para>
@ -718,14 +718,24 @@ int InsetBox::plaintext(odocstringstream & os,
void InsetBox::docbook(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & runparams) const
if (!getLayout().docbookwrappertag().empty()) {
// There really should be a wrapper tag for this layout.
bool hasBoxTag = !getLayout().docbookwrappertag().empty();
if (!hasBoxTag)
LYXERR0("Assertion failed: box layout " + getLayout().name() + " missing DocBookWrapperTag.");
// Avoid nesting boxes in DocBook, it's not allowed. Only make the check for <sidebar> to avoid destroying
// tags if this is not the wrapper tag for this layout (unlikely).
bool isAlreadyInBox = hasBoxTag && xs.isTagOpen(xml::StartTag(getLayout().docbookwrappertag()));
bool outputBoxTag = hasBoxTag && !isAlreadyInBox;
// Generate the box tag (typically, <sidebar>).
if (outputBoxTag) {
if (!xs.isLastTagCR())
xs << xml::CR();
xs << xml::StartTag(getLayout().docbookwrappertag(), getLayout().docbookwrapperattr());
xs << xml::CR();
} else {
LYXERR0("Assertion failed: box layout " + getLayout().name() + " missing DocBookWrapperTag.");
// If the box starts with a sectioning item, use as box title.
@ -735,16 +745,22 @@ void InsetBox::docbook(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & runparams) const
current_par = makeAny(text(), buffer(), xs, runparams, paragraphs().begin());
// Don't call InsetText::docbook, as this would generate all paragraphs in the inset, not the ones we are
// interested in. The best solution would be to call docbookParagraphs with an updated OutputParams object to only
// generate paragraphs after the title, but it leads to strange crashes, as if text().paragraphs() then returns
// a smaller set of paragrphs.
// Elements in the box must keep their paragraphs.
auto rp = runparams;
rp.docbook_in_par = false;
rp.docbook_force_pars = true;
while (current_par != paragraphs().end())
current_par = makeAny(text(), buffer(), xs, runparams, current_par);
current_par = makeAny(text(), buffer(), xs, rp, current_par);
if (!getLayout().docbookwrappertag().empty()) {
// Close the box.
if (outputBoxTag) {
if (!xs.isLastTagCR())
xs << xml::CR();
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