Thibaut Cuvelier 0c2f3dedd6 DocBook: add support for InsetInfo.
A similar patch would be required for LyXHTML, but it will come later. The main impact is that some text isn't output in XHTML (like DocBook before this patch).

The code isn't as clean as it could be. I avoided touching anything not related to DocBook, as the release of 2.4 is nearing, while leaving comments for parts to improve for the next release cycle. Given that the code compiles, there are no risks for TeX or XHTML outputs; for DocBook, less content is skipped, which is a net improvement for users.
2023-10-10 09:57:17 -04:00

122 lines
2.2 KiB

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Véase la
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\emph on
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para más detalles.