mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 05:00:59 +00:00
Also MacOSX ReadMe files. Note that a few lib/doc files are
also "updated" because trailing spaces are removed, but their file
formats are the same because they were recently updated at 83672113
I did "git checkout LFUNs.lyx" because this file is generated
automatically and has a special header.
860 lines
12 KiB
860 lines
12 KiB
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The University, Some address, Postal Code
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This is my special abstract This is my special abstract This is my special
abstract This is my special abstract This is my special abstract This is
my special abstract This is my special abstract This is my special abstract
This is my special abstract This is my special abstract.
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
This is the background and our hypothesis.
This is the background and our hypothesis.
This is the background and our hypothesis.
This is the background and our hypothesis.
This is the background and our hypothesis.
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Author One & Author Two (2010): Our Great Book.
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Author Two & Author One (2011): Our Even Greater Book.
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Really have to fill in this
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
This is the experiment.
This is the experiment.
This is the experiment.
This is the experiment.
This is the experiment.
This is the experiment.
This is the experiment.
This is the experiment.
This is the experiment.
This is the experiment.
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