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// tasmet_types.h
// Author: J.A. de Jong
// Description:
// Typedefs and namespace pollution for stuff that is almost always
// needed.
#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
// We require C++
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error The c++ compiler should be used.
// Some header files I (almost) always need
#include <vector> // C++ std vector
#include <string> // C++ string class
#include <complex>
#include <armadillo> // Our linear algebra package
typedef size_t us; /* Size type I always use */
#define fillwith arma::fill // Fill vector or matrix with ...
// To change the whole code to 32-bit floating points, change this to
// float.
#if TASMET_FLOAT == 32
// typedef float d; /* Shortcut for double */
#elif TASMET_FLOAT == 64
typedef double d; /* Shortcut for double */
static_assert(false,"TASMET_FLOAT should be either 32 or 64");
typedef std::complex<d> c; /* Shortcut for c++ complex number */
using arma::abs;
using std::string; /* C++ Strings */
using std::vector; // C++ Vectors
/* Armadillo functions and objects we often need */
using arma::sin;
using arma::cos;
using arma::exp;
using arma::ones;
using arma::zeros;
using arma::eye;
using arma::inv;
using arma::det;
using arma::log_det;
using arma::norm;
using arma::span;
using arma::linspace;
using arma::diagmat;
// Constants
// I need these numbers so often, that they can be in the global namespace
const c I(0,1); //Complex unity
const c sqI=sqrt(I);
const d sq2=sqrt(2.0);
const c sqmI=sqrt(-1.0*I);
const c minI(0,-1); //Minus complex unity
const d number_pi=arma::datum::pi; // The number 3.14159265359..
typedef arma::Col<d> vd; /* Column vector of doubles */
typedef arma::Col<c> vc; /* Column vector of complex numbers */
typedef arma::Mat<d> dmat; /* (Dense) Matrix of doubles */
typedef arma::Mat<c> cmat; /* (Dense) matrix of complex numbers */
typedef arma::SpMat<d> sdmat; /* Sparse matrix of doubles */
#endif // TASMET_TYPES_H