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// segment.h
// Author: J.A. de Jong
// Description: The Segments class is the base class for
// both the normal segments and the connectors. The main difference
// between a segment and a connector is, that a connector only provide
// equations. A normal segment contains both. All
// common stuff, such as a name, initialization
#pragma once
#ifndef SEGMENT_H
#define SEGMENT_H
#include "tasmet_types.h"
#include "tasmet_exception.h"
// #include "phaseconstraint.h"
class Jacobian;
class GlobalConf;
class TaSystem;
class Segment{
// User identifier
std::string _name;
Segment(const std::string& name): _name(name) {}
Segment(const Segment& o): Segment(o._name){}
Segment& operator=(const Segment&)=delete;
virtual ~Segment(){}
virtual Segment* copy() const = 0;
// Get and set name
const std::string& getName() const{return _name;} // This one is just the name
void setName(const std::string& name){ _name = name; } // This one is just the name
// Tell a TaSystem whether this Segment arbitrates Mass or
// not. The special return value of -1 tells it does not. If it
// does, the derived class should return which equation should be
// overwritten with the mass arbitration equation.
virtual int arbitrateMassEq() const {return -1;}
virtual void residual(const TaSystem&,vd&,const us insertion_start) const=0;
virtual void updateSolution(const TaSystem&,const vd&) const = 0;
virtual vd getSolution(const TaSystem&,vd& sol,const us insertion_start) const = 0;
// Return the total number of equations in this segment
virtual us getNEqs(const TaSystem&) const { return 0;}
// Return the total number of DOFS in this segment
virtual us getNDofs(const TaSystem&) const { return 0;}
// Return the current mass in this segment
virtual d getMass(const TaSystem&) const = 0;
virtual void dmtotdx(const TaSystem&,vd& dmtotdx,us dof_start) const {}
virtual void show(const TaSystem&,us verbosity_level) const=0;
// Reset amplitude data in higher harmonics
void resetHarmonics();
// Fill Jacobian with values from the equations in this
// segment/connector.
virtual void jac(const TaSystem&,Jacobian&,us dof_start,us eq_start) const=0;
#endif // SEGMENT_H