c8bfc461ceFinal bugfix, of memory leak in Python thread for uldaq, proper sleep time in Python thread. The whole train with UlDaq now seems to work properlyJ.A. de Jong - Redu-Sone B.V., ASCEE V.O.F2020-09-27 19:38:49 +0200
0232b8aae0We have some problems with the Measurement class. One way or another, changes to measurement files (sensitivity values) from ACME are not stored in the measurement file. Moreover, we concluded that the Measurement interface contains some inconsistencies/unclarities in its interfaceJ.A. de Jong - Redu-Sone B.V., ASCEE V.O.F2020-09-18 08:55:24 +0200
fa0c241fb9Daq measurement interface changed to permanently work with UlDaq. Should become a choice in future. Simultaneous output and input not yet working. Probably the DAQ API is not working properly with threads. We should find a minimum working example of simultaneous input/output. Then, the UlDAQ and RtAudio details should be abstracted away in a common interface, written in C++J.A. de Jong - Redu-Sone B.V., ASCEE V.O.F2020-09-18 08:52:56 +0200
2192f5a7fcParallelized the SOS filter implementation. Updated worker implementation to deal with NULL pointers for initialization and destructor function pointersJ.A. de Jong - Redu-Sone B.V., ASCEE V.O.F2020-08-29 20:11:09 +0200
c9ad4dc1b4Bugfix for transposing an numpy array in code. Can only be done by calling PyArray_Transpose, not by setting flags, apparently. Fixed the lasp_recording for new member attributes of AvStream.J.A. de Jong - Redu-Sone B.V., ASCEE V.O.F2020-08-05 09:56:58 +0200
2d909b07ddSmall fixes for building on Windows. Note, that there are some things hardcoded which should not be hardcoded.J.A. de Jong - ASCEE2020-04-26 05:41:11 -0700
c1d8fe97d4Bugfixes to hopefully let it run on Windows. Needs further testingJ.A. de Jong - ASCEE2020-04-06 21:38:04 +0200
8e0b173fdfAudio thread does not interfere with Python GIL anymore. Instead, GIL-acquiring stuff runs on different thread which communicates using queues. Small API change in callback to Python, no streamtime is given anymore, and buffers for input and output CAN be none.J.A. de Jong - Redu-Sone B.V., ASCEE V.O.F2020-04-03 11:12:49 +0200
b4360951a8Updated wrappers. SLM almost fully functioning. Only does not produce statistics (max, min, eq) yet.J.A. de Jong - ASCEE2020-01-20 20:18:37 +0100
388fa0ed0aBugfix in SLM for resetting offset with multi-channel filter banksJ.A. de Jong - ASCEE2020-01-20 20:15:52 +0100
8c6e6a5828Added methods to filter bank designer to create narrow-band spectra from octave band results, assuming a uniform power spectrum in a certain bandJ.A. de Jong - ASCEE2020-01-13 14:43:25 +0100
54173b6eccDid some renaming to make sure FIR filterbanks can coexist with SOS filterbanksJ.A. de Jong - ASCEE2020-01-03 22:00:50 +0100
4cd3f0bf9fAdded Second Order Sections filterbank. Works much better that Fir filterbank. Does not need decimation. Easy generation of filters with scipy.signal.butter.J.A. de Jong - ASCEE2020-01-03 21:11:56 +0100
195319ab29Added the possibility to shift to different fft backend. Now set to fftw. Seems to work properlyJ.A. de Jong - ASCEE2019-12-29 22:07:27 +0100
86e7cbbbe9Put all state of white noise generator in object. Added possibility of changing output level.J.A. de Jong - ASCEE2019-12-28 21:33:14 +0100
aa3581cf74First part of signal generator implementation. White noise and sine waves are working.J.A. de Jong - ASCEE2019-12-28 16:58:13 +0100
dcb861a6efOutput data for device now directly written to buffer. Bugfix in interleaved/deinterleaved creation of Numpy array from dataJ.A. de Jong - ASCEE2019-12-26 16:04:49 +0100
705f77858dUpdated API for recording using context manager. Easy for Recording, both in GUI and in CLIJ.A. de Jong - ASCEE2019-12-23 12:25:37 +0100