GraphicsObject - corrected bug in viewPos() method
WidgetGroup - allow bound methods in interfaces
parametertree - fixed crash when calling remove from context menu
- Corrected ImageItem.setRect transformation order
- PlotCurveItem uses nkPen for interpreting shadowPen arguments
- PlotItem and PlotWidget wrap a few more missing methods from ViewBox
Moved GraphicsScene to its own directory, added exportDialog
Removed old export options from PlotItem / ViewBox (will re-enable once they are working again)
- disabled opengl (performance issues in Qt 4.7)
- numerous caching changes (disabled deviceCoordinateCache due to performance issues)
- speed up loading large images in ImageView
- bugfixes from Ingo Breßler
- Transform rotation bugfix
- Added debug module
- Major performance enhancements for scatterplot, fixed point clicking issues
** API change for scatterplot click signals
- Drawing on ImageItem is working well now
- PlotItem downsampling no longer uses scipy.signal.resample (this was creating artifacts)
- Fixed ViewBox behavior when aspect-locked
- converted most old-style signals into new-style for PySide compatibility (beware: API changes)
- removed ObjectWorkaround, now just using QGraphicsWidget
- performance enhancements, particularly in ROI.getArrayRegion
- numerous bugfixes
catched earlier by an item implementing this. Test it at the empty space
where the auto button appears in the plot window or on the scaleItems.
Which element does this panning by default? parents: scene or view?
- Lots of bug fixes
- API change in PlotItem.plot(...)
- Started replacing QObjectWorkaround with QWidget
- Made plotCurveItems clickable
- Added curve-following arrows