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* \file GraphicsCacheItem.C
* Copyright 2002 the LyX Team
* Read the file COPYING
* \author Baruch Even <>
* \author Herbert Voss <>
* \author Angus Leeming <>
#include <config.h>
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include "graphics/GraphicsCacheItem.h"
#include "graphics/GraphicsImage.h"
#include "graphics/GraphicsConverter.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "support/LAssert.h"
#include "support/filetools.h"
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/signals/connection.hpp>
#include <boost/signals/trackable.hpp>
using std::endl;
namespace grfx {
struct CacheItem::Impl : public boost::signals::trackable {
Impl(CacheItem &, string const & file);
/** Start the image conversion process, checking first that it is
* necessary. If it is necessary, then a conversion task is started.
* CacheItem asumes that the conversion is asynchronous and so
* passes a Signal to the converting routine. When the conversion
* is finished, this Signal is emitted, returning the converted
* file to this->imageConverted.
* If no file conversion is needed, then convertToDisplayFormat() calls
* loadImage() directly.
* convertToDisplayFormat() will set the loading status flag as
* approriate through calls to setStatus().
void convertToDisplayFormat();
/** Load the image into memory. This is called either from
* convertToDisplayFormat() direct or from imageConverted().
void loadImage();
/** Get a notification when the image conversion is done.
* Connected to a signal on_finish_ which is passed to
* Converter::convert.
void imageConverted(bool);
/** Get a notification when the image loading is done.
* Connected to a signal on_finish_ which is passed to
* grfx::Image::loadImage.
void imageLoaded(bool);
/** Sets the status of the loading process. Also notifies
* listeners that the status has chacnged.
void setStatus(ImageStatus new_status);
CacheItem & parent_;
/// The filename we refer too.
string filename_;
/// Is the file compressed?
bool zipped_;
/// If so, store the uncompressed file in this temporary file.
string unzipped_filename_;
/// What file are we trying to load?
string file_to_load_;
/** Should we delete the file after loading? True if the file is
* the result of a conversion process.
bool remove_loaded_file_;
/// The image and its loading status.
boost::shared_ptr<Image> image_;
ImageStatus status_;
/// The connection to the signal Image::finishedLoading
boost::signals::connection cl_;
/// The connection of the signal ConvProcess::finishedConversion,
boost::signals::connection cc_;
boost::scoped_ptr<Converter> converter_;
CacheItem::CacheItem(string const & file)
: pimpl_(new Impl(*this, file))
string const & CacheItem::filename() const
return pimpl_->filename_;
void CacheItem::startLoading()
if (pimpl_->status_ != WaitingToLoad)
Image const * CacheItem::image() const
return pimpl_->image_.get();
ImageStatus CacheItem::status() const
return pimpl_->status_;
// Implementation details follow
CacheItem::Impl::Impl(CacheItem & p, string const & file)
: parent_(p), filename_(file), zipped_(false),
remove_loaded_file_(false), status_(WaitingToLoad)
void CacheItem::Impl::setStatus(ImageStatus new_status)
if (status_ == new_status)
status_ = new_status;
void CacheItem::Impl::imageConverted(bool success)
string const text = success ? "succeeded" : "failed";
lyxerr[Debug::GRAPHICS] << "Image conversion " << text << "." << endl;
file_to_load_ = converter_.get() ?
converter_->convertedFile() : string();
success = !file_to_load_.empty() && IsFileReadable(file_to_load_);
lyxerr[Debug::GRAPHICS] << "Unable to find converted file!" << endl;
if (!success) {
if (zipped_)
// This function gets called from the callback after the image has been
// converted successfully.
void CacheItem::Impl::loadImage()
lyxerr[Debug::GRAPHICS] << "Loading image." << endl;
image_ = Image::newImage();
cl_ = image_->finishedLoading.connect(
boost::bind(&Impl::imageLoaded, this, _1));
void CacheItem::Impl::imageLoaded(bool success)
string const text = success ? "succeeded" : "failed";
lyxerr[Debug::GRAPHICS] << "Image loading " << text << "." << endl;
// Clean up after loading.
if (zipped_)
if (remove_loaded_file_ && unzipped_filename_ != file_to_load_)
if (!success) {
} // namespace grfx
namespace {
string const findTargetFormat(string const & from)
typedef grfx::Image::FormatList FormatList;
FormatList const formats = grfx::Image::loadableFormats();
// There must be a format to load from.
// First ascertain if we can load directly with no conversion
FormatList::const_iterator it1 = formats.begin();
FormatList::const_iterator end = formats.end();
for (; it1 != end; ++it1) {
if (from == *it1)
return *it1;
// So, we have to convert to a loadable format. Can we?
FormatList::const_iterator it2 = formats.begin();
for (; it2 != end; ++it2) {
if (grfx::Converter::isReachable(from, *it2))
return *it2;
// Failed! so we have to try to convert it to XPM format
// with the standard converter
return string("xpm");
} // anon namespace
namespace grfx {
void CacheItem::Impl::convertToDisplayFormat()
// Make a local copy in case we unzip it
string const filename = zippedFile(filename_) ?
unzipFile(filename_) : filename_;
string const displayed_filename = MakeDisplayPath(filename_);
lyxerr[Debug::GRAPHICS] << "[GrahicsCacheItem::convertToDisplayFormat]\n"
<< "\tAttempting to convert image file: " << filename
<< "\n\twith displayed filename: " << displayed_filename
<< endl;
// First, check that the file exists!
if (!IsFileReadable(filename)) {
lyxerr[Debug::GRAPHICS] << "\tThe file is not readable" << endl;
string from = getExtFromContents(filename);
// Some old ps-files make problems, so we do not need direct
// loading of an ps-file
if (from == "ps") {
<< "\n\tThe file contains PostScript format data.\n"
<< "\tchanging it to eps-format to get it converted to xpm\n";
from = "eps";
} else
<< "\n\tThe file contains " << from << " format data." << endl;
string const to = findTargetFormat(from);
if (from == to) {
// No conversion needed!
lyxerr[Debug::GRAPHICS] << "\tNo conversion needed (from == to)!" << endl;
file_to_load_ = filename;
lyxerr[Debug::GRAPHICS] << "\tConverting it to " << to << " format." << endl;
// Take only the filename part of the file, without path or extension.
string const temp = ChangeExtension(OnlyFilename(filename), string());
// Add some stuff to create a uniquely named temporary file.
// This file is deleted in loadImage after it is loaded into memory.
string const to_file_base = lyx::tempName(string(), temp);
remove_loaded_file_ = true;
// Remove the temp file, we only want the name...
// Connect a signal to this->imageConverted and pass this signal to
// the graphics converter so that we can load the modified file
// on completion of the conversion process.
converter_.reset(new Converter(filename, to_file_base, from, to));
boost::bind(&Impl::imageConverted, this, _1));
} // namespace grfx