Model residual is calculatable. Now Jacobian

This commit is contained in:
Anne de Jong 2017-01-15 20:56:12 +01:00
parent 696ba04422
commit c818655c0c
18 changed files with 385 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -91,22 +91,6 @@ set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_tools)
# Python #####################
# ##########################
# Find major version from version string
set(PYTHON_LIBRARY "/usr/lib/libpython${TaSMET_PY_VERSION}.so")
set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR "/usr/include/python${TaSMET_PY_VERSION}")
set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS "/usr/include/python${TaSMET_PY_VERSION}")
message("Python include dirs: ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED)
MESSAGE("Python major version: ${TaSMET_PY_MAJOR_VERSION}")
# Find the site_packages directory of python
execute_process(COMMAND python${TaSMET_PY_MAJOR_VERSION} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE)
@ -120,7 +104,6 @@ add_definitions(-DARMA_USE_SUPERLU -DARMA_USE_CXX11)
# link_directories(common)
@ -135,5 +118,5 @@ add_subdirectory(testing)
add_executable(tasmet src/main.cpp src/gui/tasmet_resources.qrc)
add_executable(tasmet_solvemodel src/tasmet_solvemodel.cpp)
target_link_libraries(tasmet tasmet_gui tasmet_src messages PythonQt Qt5::Widgets chaiscript_stdlib-5.7.0 openblas)
target_link_libraries(tasmet_solvemodel tasmet_src messages PythonQt openblas chaiscript_stdlib-5.7.0)
target_link_libraries(tasmet tasmet_gui tasmet_src messages Qt5::Widgets chaiscript_stdlib-5.7.0 openblas)
target_link_libraries(tasmet_solvemodel tasmet_src messages openblas chaiscript_stdlib-5.7.0)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#include "tasystem.h"
#include "tasmet_assert.h"
#include "tasmet_evalscript.h"
#include "perfectgas.h"
Duct::Duct(const us id,const pb::Duct& ductpb):
@ -62,11 +62,127 @@ Duct::~Duct() {
void Duct::residual(const TaSystem& sys,arma::subview_col<d> && residual) const {
const arma::subview_col<d> sol = sys.getSolution(_id);
vd rho,u,T,p,Ts; // Solution at this gp
vd rhop,up,Tp,pp,Tsp; // Solution at next gp
// Continuity eq residual, momentum, energy, state, solid energy
vd cont,mom,en,st,sen;
// When we have to solve a solid heat balance
bool has_solideq = _ductpb.stempmodel() == pb::HeatBalance;
us number_eqs = 4;
number_eqs += (has_solideq) ? 1 : 0;
us Ns = sys.Ns();
us eq_offset = 0; // Equation offset for current gp
us res_offset = 0; // Residual offset for current gp
us res_offsetp = 0; // Residual offset for next gp
us gp_jump = number_eqs * Ns; // The jump per gp
rhop = getvart(sys,constants::rho,0);
up = getvart(sys,constants::u,0);
Tp = getvart(sys,constants::T,0);
pp = getvart(sys,constants::p,0);
const Gas& gas = sys.gas();
for(us gp=0;gp<ngp()-1;gp++) {
eq_offset = gp*Ns*number_eqs;
res_offset = eq_offset;
res_offsetp = res_offset + gp_jump;
d dx = x(gp+1)-x(gp);
// Update the current gp solution
rho = rhop; u=up; T=Tp; p = pp; Ts=Tsp;
// Update the next gp solution
rhop = getvart(sys,constants::rho,gp+1);
up = getvart(sys,constants::u,gp+1);
Tp = getvart(sys,constants::T,gp+1);
pp = getvart(sys,constants::p,gp+1);
cont = ((rhop%up)-(rho%u))/dx;
mom = (rhop%up%up - rho%u%u + pp - p)/dx;
switch (_ductpb.htmodel()) {
case pb::Isentropic: {
d T0 = gas.T0();
d p0 = gas.p0();
d rho0 = gas.rho0();
d gamma0 = gas.gamma(T0,p0);
en = p/p0 - pow(rho/rho0,gamma0);
tasmet_assert(false,"Not implemented htmodel");
st = gas.rho(T,p) - rho;
residual.subvec(eq_offset+0*Ns,eq_offset+1*Ns-1) = cont;
residual.subvec(eq_offset+1*Ns,eq_offset+2*Ns-1) = mom;
residual.subvec(eq_offset+2*Ns,eq_offset+3*Ns-1) = en;
residual.subvec(eq_offset+3*Ns,eq_offset+4*Ns-1) = st;
eq_offset += number_eqs*Ns;
// Equation of state for the last node
st = gas.rho(Tp,pp) - rhop;
residual.subvec(eq_offset,eq_offset+Ns-1) = st;
// Two more equations for the last grid point in case
// the heat transfer model is not a transport equation.
if(_ductpb.htmodel() == pb::Isentropic) {
eq_offset += Ns;
d T0 = gas.T0();
d p0 = gas.p0();
d rho0 = gas.rho0();
d gamma0 = gas.gamma(T0,p0);
en = p/p0 - pow(rho/rho0,gamma0);
residual.subvec(eq_offset,eq_offset+Ns-1) = en;
vd Duct::getvart(const TaSystem& sys,int varnr,int gp) const {
const arma::subview_col<d> sol = sys.getSolution(_id);
us Ns = sys.Ns();
// Wraparound
if(gp<0) gp+=ngp();
us vars_per_gp = 4;
vars_per_gp+= (_ductpb.stempmodel() == pb::HeatBalance ? 1 : 0);
return sol.subvec((gp*vars_per_gp+varnr)*Ns,
vd Duct::getvarx(const TaSystem& sys,int varnr,int t) const {
vd res(ngp());
for(us i=0;i<ngp();i++){
res(i) = getvart(sys,varnr,i)(t);
return res;
vd Duct::initialSolution(const TaSystem& sys) const {
@ -87,7 +203,7 @@ vd Duct::initialSolution(const TaSystem& sys) const {
// Initial density
initsol.subvec((i*vars_per_gp+0)*Ns,(i*vars_per_gp+1)*Ns-1) =
// Initial velocity
initsol.subvec((i*vars_per_gp+1)*Ns,(i*vars_per_gp+2)*Ns-1) =
@ -115,20 +231,35 @@ vd Duct::initialSolution(const TaSystem& sys) const {
us Duct::getNEqs(const TaSystem& sys) const {
us Ns = sys.Ns();
// The number of equations per gridpoint. We have: continuity,
// momentum, energy, and state
us number_eqs = 4;
// When we have to solve a solid heat balance
number_eqs+= (_ductpb.stempmodel() == pb::HeatBalance ? 1 : 0);
number_eqs+= (_ductpb.stempmodel() == pb::HeatBalance ? : 0);
return Ns*number_eqs*(ngp()-1);
us neqs = Ns*number_eqs*(ngp()-1);
// For the last gridpoint, we also have an equation of state
neqs += Ns;
// We also have an extra equation for isentropic. For the energy
// transport equation, this would result in a boundary condition
if(_ductpb.htmodel() == pb::Isentropic) {
neqs += Ns;
return neqs;
us Duct::getNDofs(const TaSystem& sys) const {
us Ns = sys.Ns();
// rho,u,T,p,Ts
// rho,u,T,p
us nvars_per_gp = 4;
// Ts maybe
nvars_per_gp += (_ductpb.stempmodel() == pb::HeatBalance ? 1 : 0);
return Ns*nvars_per_gp*ngp();

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "segment.h"
#include "duct.pb.h"
#include "geom.h"
#include "tasmet_constants.h" // For the variable nrs
class Equation;
class Drag;
@ -43,6 +44,28 @@ public:
const pb::Duct& getDuctPb() const { return _ductpb;}
// Obtain values as a function of position, for a given time
// instance.
vd rhox(const TaSystem& sys,int t) const { return getvarx(sys,constants::rho,t);}
vd ux(const TaSystem& sys,int t) const { return getvarx(sys,constants::u,t); }
vd Tx(const TaSystem& sys,int t) const { return getvarx(sys,constants::T,t); }
vd px(const TaSystem& sys,int t) const { return getvarx(sys,constants::p,t); }
vd Tsx(const TaSystem& sys,int t) const { return getvarx(sys,constants::Ts,t); }
vd rhot(const TaSystem& sys,int gp) const { return getvart(sys,constants::rho,gp); }
vd ut(const TaSystem& sys,int gp) const { return getvart(sys,constants::u,gp); }
vd Tt(const TaSystem& sys,int gp) const { return getvart(sys,constants::T,gp); }
vd pt(const TaSystem& sys,int gp) const { return getvart(sys,constants::p,gp); }
vd Tst(const TaSystem& sys,int gp) const { return getvart(sys,constants::Ts,gp); }
/// Obtain variable as a function of time for a given grid point
vd getvart(const TaSystem& sys,int varnr,int gp) const;
/// Obtain variable as a function of position, for a given time
/// instance
vd getvarx(const TaSystem& sys,int varnr,int t) const;
d getvartx(const TaSystem& sys,int t,int gp) const;
// Solving
virtual void residual(const TaSystem&,arma::subview_col<d>&& residual) const;

View File

@ -44,16 +44,44 @@ void AdiabaticWall::residual(const TaSystem& sys,
) const {
const pb::Duct& dpb = getDuct(sys).getDuctPb();
us Ns = sys.Ns();
const Duct& duct = getDuct(sys);
if(_side == pb::left) {
residual.subvec(0,Ns-1) = duct.ut(sys,0);
if(dpb.htmodel() != pb::Isentropic) {
// TODO: Put the boundary condition of zero heat flux here
// residual.subvec(Ns,2*Ns-1) =
else {
residual.subvec(0,Ns-1) = duct.ut(sys,-1);
if(dpb.htmodel() != pb::Isentropic) {
// TODO: Put the boundary condition of zero heat flux here
// residual.subvec(Ns,2*Ns-1) = duct.Tt(sys,-1) - _T;
us AdiabaticWall::getNEqs(const TaSystem& sys) const {
// u = 0
// dT/dx = 0
// dTs/dx = 0 => 3 eqs
bool has_solideq = getDuct(sys).getDuctPb().stempmodel() != pb::Prescribed;
return sys.Ns()*(has_solideq ? 3: 2);
// dT/dx = 0 --> if htmodel is not Isentropic
// dTs/dx = 0 => if stempmodel is not Prescribed
const pb::Duct& dpb = getDuct(sys).getDuctPb();
bool has_solideq = dpb.stempmodel() != pb::Prescribed;
us neqs = sys.Ns()*(has_solideq ? 2: 1);
if(dpb.htmodel() != pb::Isentropic) neqs+= sys.Ns();
return neqs;
void AdiabaticWall::show(const TaSystem&,us verbosity_level) const {

View File

@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
#include "tasmet_tracer.h"
#include "tasystem.h"
#include "duct.h"
#include "tasmet_evalscript.h"
#include "perfectgas.h"
#include "adiabatictemp.h"
PressureBc::PressureBc(const us id,
const TaSystem& sys,
@ -18,13 +21,45 @@ PressureBc::PressureBc(const us id,
vd time = sys.timeInstances();
EvaluateFun pfun(dbc.pressure(),
"Error in evaluating prescribed pressure",
_p = pfun(time);
if(dbc.isentropic()) {
auto& gas = dynamic_cast<const PerfectGas&>(sys.gas());
_T = adiabaticTemp(gas,_p);
else {
EvaluateFun Tfun(dbc.temperature(),
"Error in evaluating prescribed temperature",
_T = Tfun(time);
PressureBc::PressureBc(const PressureBc& o):
DuctBc(o) {
DuctBc(o),_p(o._p),_T(o._T) {
PressureBc::~PressureBc() {
@ -36,23 +71,49 @@ vd PressureBc::initialSolution(const TaSystem& sys) const {
return vd();
void PressureBc::residual(const TaSystem&,
void PressureBc::residual(const TaSystem& sys,
arma::subview_col<d>&& residual
) const {
const pb::Duct& dpb = getDuct(sys).getDuctPb();
us Ns = sys.Ns();
const Duct& duct = getDuct(sys);
if(_side == pb::left) {
residual.subvec(0,Ns-1) =,0) - _p;
if(dpb.htmodel() != pb::Isentropic) {
residual.subvec(Ns,2*Ns-1) = duct.Tt(sys,0) - _T;
else {
residual.subvec(0,Ns-1) =,-1) - _p;
if(dpb.htmodel() != pb::Isentropic) {
residual.subvec(Ns,2*Ns-1) = duct.Tt(sys,-1) - _T;
us PressureBc::getNEqs(const TaSystem& sys) const {
// p = x
// T = x
// This one only if the duct solves for solid
// Ts = x => 3 equations
bool has_solideq = getDuct(sys).getDuctPb().stempmodel() != pb::Prescribed;
return sys.Ns()*(has_solideq ? 3: 2);
// We provide equations for
// p = prescribed
// T = prescribed, if htmodel of duct is not Isentropic
// Ts = prescribed, if stempmodel of duct is not Prescribed
const pb::Duct& dpb = getDuct(sys).getDuctPb();
bool has_solideq = dpb.stempmodel() != pb::Prescribed;
us neqs = sys.Ns()*(has_solideq ? 2: 1);
if(dpb.htmodel() != pb::Isentropic) neqs+= sys.Ns();
return neqs;
void PressureBc::show(const TaSystem&,us verbosity_level) const {

View File

@ -14,9 +14,17 @@
class TaSystem;
class Variable;
class PressureBc: public DuctBc {
Variable *_p,*_T,*_Ts;
* A PressureBc is a Duct boundary condition, where the pressure is
* prescribed on one side of a Duct. Besides the pressure it is
* necessary to also prescribe the temperature, and if a model is used
* to thermally interact with the solid, also a solid temperature is
* prescribed.
class PressureBc: public DuctBc {
vd _p,_T,_Ts; /**< Prescribed values for pressure,
temperature and solid temperature */
pb::DuctSide _side; /**< Duct side at which this b.c. works */
PressureBc(const PressureBc&);

View File

@ -88,15 +88,13 @@ namespace {
Variable adiabaticTemp(const PerfectGas& gas,
const Variable& pressure) {
vd adiabaticTemp(const PerfectGas& gas,
const vd& p) {
Variable temp(pressure);
const vd p = pressure.tdata();
vd T = temp.tdata();
vd T(p.size());
AdiabaticTemp adt(gas,p(0)); // Equation
@ -115,8 +113,7 @@ Variable adiabaticTemp(const PerfectGas& gas,
return temp;
return T;

View File

@ -3,17 +3,24 @@
// Author: J.A. de Jong
// Description:
// Compute the adiabatic/isentropic temperature as a function of the pressure
// for a thermally perfect gas
#pragma once
#include "tasmet_types.h"
class PerfectGas;
class Variable;
Variable adiabaticTemp(const PerfectGas& gas,const Variable& pressure);
* Compute the adiabatic/isentropic temperature as a function of the pressure
* for a thermally perfect gas.
* @param gas: The gas to compute the temperature for. Be aware of the
* value for T0 and p0 in the Gas.
* @param pressure the pressure to compute the temperature for
* @return the temperature
vd adiabaticTemp(const PerfectGas& gas,const vd& pressure);

View File

@ -78,6 +78,16 @@ public:
virtual d drhodT(d T,d p) const=0;
vd drhodT(const vd& T,const vd& p) const {
virtual d drhodp(d T,d p) const=0;
vd drhodp(const vd& T,const vd& p) const {
// Adiabatic speed of sound
virtual d cm(d T,d p) const=0;
vd cm(const vd& T,const vd& p) const {

View File

@ -63,6 +63,13 @@ public:
return p/Rs()/T;
d drhodT(d T,d p) const {
return -p/Rs()/pow(T,2);
d drhodp(d T,d p) const {
return Rs()/T;
d cv(d T,d p) const {
return cp(T,p)-Rs();

View File

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
#include "newton_raphson.h"
#include "tasmet_tracer.h"
void NewtonRaphson::start_implementation(GradientNonlinearSystem& system,
progress_callback* callback) {
@ -23,6 +25,17 @@ void NewtonRaphson::start_implementation(GradientNonlinearSystem& system,
vd residual=system.residual();
cout << "Initial solution: " << endl;
cout << guess << endl;
cout << "Initial residual: " << endl;
cout << residual << endl;
SolverProgress progress;
SolverAction action;
@ -40,6 +53,11 @@ void NewtonRaphson::start_implementation(GradientNonlinearSystem& system,
residual = system.residual();
cout << "Residual: ";
cout << residual << endl;
progress.rel_err = norm(dx);
progress.fun_err = norm(residual);

View File

@ -48,6 +48,11 @@ GlobalConf::GlobalConf(us Nf,d freq):
vd GlobalConf::timeInstances() const {
us Ns = this->Ns();
d lastt = (Ns-1)/(Ns*getfreq());
return arma::linspace<vd>(0,lastt,Ns);
void GlobalConf::show() const {
cout << "------- Global configuration ------ \n";
cout << "------- Number of harmonics to solve for: "<< _Nf <<"\n";

View File

@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ public:
d getfreq() const {return _omg/2/number_pi;}
// d meshPeclet(const Gas& gas,d dx,d u) const {return u*dx*gas.rho0()*gas().cp(T0())/gas().kappa(T0());}
vd timeInstances() const;
void setfreq(d freq){setomg(2*number_pi*freq);}
void setomg(d omg);

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ TaSystem::TaSystem(const pb::System& sys):
throw e;
// Create all ducts
// Create all ductbcs
for(const auto& d : sys.ductbcs()) {
// d.first: id
// d.second: duct description
@ -61,6 +61,33 @@ TaSystem::TaSystem(const pb::System& sys):
// Create the initial solution from the segments and store it
// here. Please be careful not to call any virtual functions!
vus ndofs = getNDofs();
vus dofend = arma::cumsum(ndofs);
us total_dofs = arma::sum(ndofs);
vd solution = vd(total_dofs);
us i=0;
const Segment* seg;
for(auto& seg_: _segs) {
seg = seg_.second;
if(ndofs(i)>0) {
if(i==0) {
solution.subvec(0,ndofs(0)-1) =
else {
solution.subvec(dofend(i-1),dofend(i)-1) =
// TODO: work directly on the final solution array
_solution = solution;
// Copy solution vector, if valid
// const auto& sol = sys.solution();
// us size = sol.size(), i=0;
@ -75,7 +102,8 @@ TaSystem::TaSystem(const pb::System& sys):
TaSystem::TaSystem(const TaSystem& o):
GlobalConf(o), // Share a ptr to the Global conf
TRACE(25,"TaSystem::TaSystem(TaSystem&) copy");
@ -150,6 +178,10 @@ vd TaSystem::residual() const {
vd residual(total_neqs);
residual = arma::datum::nan*ones(total_neqs);
us i=0;
const Segment* seg;
for(auto seg_: _segs) {
@ -172,6 +204,8 @@ vd TaSystem::residual() const {
TRACE(15,"Obtained residual from all Segments");
assert(arbitrateMassEq< (int) total_neqs);
#endif // TASMET_DEBUG
@ -185,43 +219,16 @@ vd TaSystem::residual() const {
vd TaSystem::getSolution() const {
if(_solution.size() == 0) {
// Create the initial solution from the segments
// and store it here
vus ndofs = getNDofs();
vus dofend = arma::cumsum(ndofs);
us total_dofs = arma::sum(ndofs);
vd solution = vd(total_dofs);
us i=0;
const Segment* seg;
for(auto& seg_: _segs) {
seg = seg_.second;
if(ndofs(i)>0) {
if(i==0) {
solution.subvec(0,ndofs(0)-1) =
else {
solution.subvec(dofend(i-1),dofend(i)-1) =
return solution;
} // if the solution did not yet exist
return _solution;
const arma::subview_col<d> TaSystem::getSolution(const us seg_id) const {
vus ndofs = getNDofs();
vus dofsend = arma::cumsum(ndofs);
if(seg_id == 0) {
return _solution.subvec(0,dofsend(0)-1);
else {

View File

@ -96,14 +96,11 @@ namespace constants {
// These variable numbers are important, as they determine the
// position of these variables in the array in cell.h
// const int rho=1;
// const int m=2;
// const int T=3;
// const int p=4;
// const int Ts=5;
// Number of variables
const int nvars_reserve=7;
const int neqs_reserve=7;
const int rho=0;
const int u=1;
const int T=2;
const int p=3;
const int Ts=4;
const char* const model_fileext = ".tasmet";

View File

@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ inline void wrap_eval<void>(ChaiScript* chai,const string& script) {
EvaluateFun::EvaluateFun(const string& fun_return,
const string& err_msg):
const string& err_msg,
const string& vars):
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ EvaluateFun::EvaluateFun(const string& fun_return,
_chai = getChaiScriptInstance();
if(!_chai) throw TaSMETBadAlloc();
string script = "def myfun(x) {\n";
string script = string("def myfun(") + vars + ") {\n";
script += "return " + fun_return + "; }\n";

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class EvaluateFun {
string _err_msg;
string _fun_return;
EvaluateFun(const string& fun_return,const string& err_msg = "Script error");
EvaluateFun(const string& fun_return,const string& err_msg = "Script error",const string& vars = "x");
// Add a global definition to the namespace
void addGlobalDef(const string& name,

View File

@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ int main(){
Helium helium(293.15,101325);
gc_ptr gc(new GlobalConf(10,100));
Variable pressure(gc,10*101325);
Variable temperature = adiabaticTemp(helium,pressure);
vd pressure(1); pressure(0) = 10*101325;
vd temperature = adiabaticTemp(helium,pressure);