Just some comments on the patch:
- The executable name has to match the information in Info.plist (development/MacOSX/Info.plist.in and CMakeLists.txt). The autoconf config/lyxinclude.m4 file has been modified to make it work with autotools.
- The process to build OS X bundle is to first add all the files to be included to the bundle when calling add_executable (src/CMakeLists.txt) and then by calling setting the source file property of each of these files (development/cmake/Install.cmake, l.14) so that the files are properly located into the bundle. This is also why Install.cmake has to be included two times in src/CMakeLists.txt (once to build the list of files, once to set the location of the list of files).
- in CMakeLists.txt there is a line
install(CODE "set(BU_CHMOD_BUNDLE_ITEMS 1)")
What it does is to fix the owner permissions within the bundle - this is necessary because some libraries are copied within the bundle and might be owned by root
- An empty qt.conf is included in the bundle so that QT does not try to link to other QT libraries (which will not be included in the bundle)
- In development/cmake/Install.cmake, some OS X specific files (*.sdef, qt.conf, *.icns) have to be included in the bundle
I'm afraid, but it's going to be. We skip all comment lines at
the start of the script, but what we want to convert here is in
those comment lines. My previous attempt to deal with this issue
produced an invalid file.
The obnoxious messages in Private::setFilter cover any message set by lyx::dispatch. The solution I chose is to return early when the filter is not changed.
If this makes sense, then the same optimization should be added to CategorizedCombo, IMO.
Unfortunately, this doesn't quite work the way one might like. It
is fine for manually converting one's own layouts to the new format,
but it doesn't work if you just start LyX, since the category info
is written at configuration time, not at run time, and chkconfig.ltx
does not run layout2layout.
Handle option "LYX_DEVEL_VERSION" to add the preprocesor definition of DEVEL_VERSION
The effect should be alike the configure parameter "--enable-build-type=dev"
Implement a more simple and elegant integration of the R package knitr. Now,
lyxknitr.R does not need to move or copy files at all.
This also fixes a bug: when /tmp was on a different file system (e.g.
encrypted home), lyxknitr.R failed to move files to /tmp because it relied on
R's 'file.rename' function, which in turn relied on the rename function in
<stdio.h>, which was failing with the EXDEV errno.
Patch from Yihui Xie.