PDF outline improves with unicode/utf8 (although some chars still wrong).
Math: ERT for umlauts no longer required (now force-converted with unicodesymbols)
* do not ignore Japanese (platex) with system fonts.
* CJK can be used with XeTeX and TeX-fonts if the input encoding is utf8.
do not ignore.
* TODO: set non-TeX fonts and uninvert where possible.
Fixes wrong and missing characters in text parts in other languages
(platex does not support "inputenc").
Fixes compilation errors due to desynchronized encoding switches.
* Force unicodesymbols conversion for all *-platex input encodings,
* except some characters that work well in utf8.
* Use platex if document language is "japanese" and input encoding is "utf8".
* New: support also utf8 (working around false positive test in "inputenc.sty").
* Do not force the change of input encoding to "ascii".
Deny compilation with XeTeX if a document uses TeX fonts and a non-supported input encoding.
* some Japanese (platex) documents fail with inputenc "utf8-platex"
(missing characters in non-Japanese text parts), because the
Unicodechar definitions from "inputenc" are not used.
* some Japanes (platex) documents show wrong output with "auto",
because platex ignores the encoding switch for text parts
in other languages.
* Japanese Beamer documents must set default output to "pdf",
because dvipdfm(x) produces wrong output with document class "Beamer".
* update tagging/inverting rules.
* use HE8 font encoding for Hebrew in language test.
Thanks to \origin, #8643 is fixed (also in stable). Included paths are
thus correctly updated and point to the systemdir.
This only works if LyX is installed, though, since \origin is only set
on install.
* "platex" fails with "inputencoding default", if there is text in other languages.
"jis-platex" works fine, "jis-utf8" fails with German Umlauts (maybe more).
* The expert setting "inputencoding default" switches the inpute encoding
with language switches without marking this in the LaTeX source.
It is rarely required (if ever) and makes documents easy to break.
It is not required for AMS Books, Simple CV, ... (probabely a tex2lyx issue).
"utf8" and "auto" work fine.
Re-structure and rename files in a transparent way. Most template/example
names now correspond to the (verbose GUI) name of their layouts.
Note that this, most prominently, also changes [LANG/]splash.lyx to
something less insiderish, namely "Welcome.lyx".