Debian stable ships now TL18, we don't need to care for older TL versions.
Make CJK-ko documentation more robust (failed with non-TeX fonts and XeTeX,
if LatinModern is not installed system-wide).
The test sample for LyX bug 3059 triggers an error only with
"fontencoding auto-legacy" and can be safely ignored with non-TeX fonts.
Latin Modern works fine with Japanese.
If "lmodern" is set for \font_roman the "lmodern.sty" package sets
sans-serif and teletype to Latin Modern fonts as well.
Therefore, \font_sans and \font_teletype are better left as "default"
(less preamble code) in the LaTeX source).
PDF outline improves with unicode/utf8 (although some chars still wrong).
Math: ERT for umlauts no longer required (now force-converted with unicodesymbols)
* do not ignore Japanese (platex) with system fonts.
* CJK can be used with XeTeX and TeX-fonts if the input encoding is utf8.
do not ignore.
* TODO: set non-TeX fonts and uninvert where possible.
Fixes wrong and missing characters in text parts in other languages
(platex does not support "inputenc").
Fixes compilation errors due to desynchronized encoding switches.
* Force unicodesymbols conversion for all *-platex input encodings,
* except some characters that work well in utf8.
* Use platex if document language is "japanese" and input encoding is "utf8".
* New: support also utf8 (working around false positive test in "inputenc.sty").
* Do not force the change of input encoding to "ascii".
Deny compilation with XeTeX if a document uses TeX fonts and a non-supported input encoding.
* some Japanese (platex) documents fail with inputenc "utf8-platex"
(missing characters in non-Japanese text parts), because the
Unicodechar definitions from "inputenc" are not used.
* some Japanes (platex) documents show wrong output with "auto",
because platex ignores the encoding switch for text parts
in other languages.
* Japanese Beamer documents must set default output to "pdf",
because dvipdfm(x) produces wrong output with document class "Beamer".
* update tagging/inverting rules.
* use HE8 font encoding for Hebrew in language test.