Simplify user preamble.
Use common test document for Xe- and LuaTeX with polyglossia
and special one for languages only supported by XeTeX.
Update tagging patterns and comments.
LyX follows LaTeX in dropping support for this combination
(it only worked by tricking "inputenc.sty").
There is no known case where this combination is required or helpfull.
For power users with special needs, XeTeX + TeX fonts is still
available after setting the input encoding to "ascii" or "utf8-plain".
See also #10600.
Amends 7bb30286.
Tested cases are now handled fine.
(There are still many cases where the language support emulation
is too complex for lyx2lyx and manual fixes are required after
lyx2lyx conversion.)
Encoding cp858 supported by only some iconv variants.
Most users will want to change their "encoding" setting instead
of installing/recompiling "iconv" to support this legacy encoding.
ctests are likely will fail with either "vanilla" or "enhanced"
iconv and test a situation that is unlikely to change generally,
so we ignore this test now by default.
Separate xetex-inputenc test sample in working and non-working parts.
Sort HTML-only tests.
Update tagging and ignore-rules.
Change inputencoding to utf8 in dedicated tests (get pdf4_texF working).
Thai works fine with LuaTeX, TeX-fonts and auto-legacy input encoding.
Remove obsolete preamble code,
we now load "fontenc" with Japanese documents by default.
* do not ignore Japanese (platex) with system fonts.
* CJK can be used with XeTeX and TeX-fonts if the input encoding is utf8.
do not ignore.
* TODO: set non-TeX fonts and uninvert where possible.
Fixes wrong and missing characters in text parts in other languages
(platex does not support "inputenc").
Fixes compilation errors due to desynchronized encoding switches.
Tenacious bug in babel-ukrainian:
The date-string uses literal unicode characters (not present in TeX-fonts)
that somehow bypass inputenc's utf8 decoding.
* New: support also utf8 (working around false positive test in "inputenc.sty").
* Do not force the change of input encoding to "ascii".
Deny compilation with XeTeX if a document uses TeX fonts and a non-supported input encoding.